
ARC Review: Rush Into You by Brianna Lee

Rush Into You is the debut novel from Brianna Lee, so I wasn't sure what to expect. This book was really good though and I really enjoyed it. The characters were great, and I really liked Brianna's writing style. This book had a great flow to it and I thought the pacing was perfect. I was hooked right away and didn't put this one down until I had finished. I was really surprised with how great of a book this was for being a debut novel, but after reading Rush Into You I can't wait to read more from Brianna Lee.

Gabby had everything until a tragic accident took it all away from her. Now everyone hates her and blames her for the accident that took so much away from them. She stays away from everyone as much as she can, and she uses drugs to dull the pain and as a way to escape. Then one night she meets Ryker, and not only does he know nothing about her but he treats her better than anyone has since before. But then Gabby overdoses and is sent to rehab to cure her drug problem. Now over a year later, Gabby and Ryker run into each other again and realize that they still feel the same pull between them. Ryker and Gabby grow closer to each other the more time they spend together, but Gabby still hasn't told him about her past. Ryker knows that Gabby has secrets, but he is determined to show her that they don't matter to him and that they can get through anything together. But will Gabby be able to open up to him and tell him everything when she fears that it will make him run from her?

I loved Ryker. Being a tattooed biker with a hot body that wants more than just sex, Ryker is pretty much the sexiest book boyfriend ever. He was so sweet and patient, and was also a really great guy. He took care of his family and enjoyed spending time with them. He was such a big part of his sister and niece's lives and wasn't willing to settle for someone who wouldn't accept all that went with that. I loved that he was willing to let Gabby open up to him in her own time though. He really cared about her, and he went out of his way to show her that she could trust him and that he would always be there for her. Gabby had been through a lot, and suffered from a mistake that she made at a young age. I am not excusing her actions, because they are never acceptable, but she didn't ever intend to hurt anyone and she had lost just as much as others had. Not only did she lose a lot, but she also had to live with the guilt of what she had done and suffer through everything alone. I loved that Ryker was able to get her to live again and help her begin to heal. Ryker was so good for Gabby, and I thought that he was exactly what she needed. I love that he never gave up on her, and you could tell that they had such a great connection. They also were extremely attracted to each other and had off the charts chemistry! But I was so glad that they took things slow and didn't rush right into the physical side of their relationship. I thought it made the bond that they were forming that much more real and believable.

I really enjoyed this book and I thought that it was a great debut novel and start to a series. Brianna intends to write more books in this series with interconnected characters, but she said we will also see more of Ryker and Gabby. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next, and get to know some of the other characters better. I really hope that we get to see more of Ryker's friend Hendrix next! While I really enjoyed this book and the characters, I did feel that Gabby waited too long to tell Ryker what had happened. He gave her so many chances and showed her time and time again that he wouldn't think any less of her or love her any less. But it seemed to drag out a bit, and I felt like she should have made the decision to say something sooner. Because of everything that happened, he pretty much had figured out most of it anyways, and I felt like because others clued him in it hurt their relationship a bit because she didn't make the decision herself. But despite that complaint, I still thought that this book was really good and I would highly recommend it. This story was one that I would gladly go back and read again, and I loved Ryker so much. He is worth the read alone! I look forward to reading more from Brianna Lee in the future and I am excited for the next installment in this series.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Brianna Lee Book Reviews said...

Thanks so much for the great review! I am glad you enjoyed Rush into You!! I appreciate you hosting me today on your blog :)

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