
ARC Review: Misunderstandings by Tiffany King

I have been in kind of a book funk lately. Everything that I have read has been just ok or good and nothing has been that memorable. Having never read a book by Tiffany King before, I wasn't sure what to expect with Misunderstandings but I was hopeful that this might be the one to get me out of the funk. This book was fantastic! It was more than I ever expected and I ended up absolutely loving it! Misunderstandings captivated me from the very first page and kept me turning the pages until I had devoured every last word of Justin and Brittni's story! This is the second book in the Woodfalls Girls series, and I can't wait to not only read the next book, but go back and read the first one as well! This book is a must read for NA fans!

Two years ago everything fell apart for Brittni. She left Seattle and headed back home to get away from everything. Now she has been talked into returning by her friends for their engagement party. When she arrives for lunch with her friend she ends up getting trapped in an elevator with the last person she would want to be stuck with, her ex Justin. Justin was the love of her life, only problem is that he hates her. Justin thinks that he knows what happened two years ago, and can't figure out why Brittni did the things that she did. But when they spend hours locked together in the elevator, he quickly begins to realize that things weren't as they seemed and everything he thought he knew might have actually happened differently. What happens to Justin and Brittni when the truth finally comes out and everything that went wrong between them is revealed?

I really loved Justin and Brittni. They were both afraid of commitment. Justin had the reputation and first impression of being a total player and a notorious flirt. Brittni was a one and done type of dater, never going beyond the first date with anyone. But as they got to know each other better, they realized that they were different than they first appeared. Justin was a flirt, but he was also honest and would never cheat. He was an artist and he was thoughtful and caring. He was a laid back and easy going guy who was determined to convince Brittni to give them a shot. He wasn't afraid to go after what he wanted, and I liked that he didn't give up on pursuing her. Brittni was complicated and dedicated, and as much as she tried to keep Justin at arms length she wasn't able to. It was really great to see these two start to fall for each other and really let the other in. I was glad that they took things slow and that they allowed their relationship to really progress naturally. They had a lot of chemistry and attraction, but their connection was so much stronger because they were able to connect on such a deeper and more emotional level than just the physical. These two were perfect for each other, and they really seemed to bring out the best in each other. They did fight and argue, but they were extremely passionate about each other and you could tell that they were so intense because of the feelings between them.

I loved that this book gave us the past as well as the present of their relationship. I will admit at times I was a little frustrated to be switching back and forth because things would just start to get good and give us details and then it would switch. But honestly it kept me interested and unable to put this one down. I simply had to know what happened next and even though I couldn't get there fast enough to figure everything out, I also wanted to really savor the story because it was that good! Justin and Brittni both made mistakes and handled things poorly, but they were young and thought that they knew everything that was going on. Sometimes things happen and we jump to conclusions that we shouldn't, and this was definitely a story where they should have better communicated with each other. But I loved seeing how they were able to really figure things out in the end and see the whole truth. Brittni and Justin are definitely some of my favorite NA characters ever, and I really loved their story. I cannot recommend this one enough, and I think that their journey is definitely a must read. Tiffany King is a new to me author, but after this I know that I will be looking for more from her in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

I enjoyed reading your review thoughts, Casey!

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