
Guest Post with Author Tiffany King and Giveaway

USA Today Bestselling author Tiffany King is a lifelong reading fanatic who is now living her dream as a writer, weaving Young Adult and New Adult romance tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and two wonderful kids. (Five, if you count her three spoiled cats). Her addictions include: Her iPhone and iPad, chocolate, Diet Coke, chocolate, Harry Potter, chocolate, zombies and her favorite TV shows. Want to know what they are? Just ask.

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My Elevator Party

I can't express how excited I am for the release of Misunderstandings. One of the questions I'm frequently asked is where the inspiration for the story came from. Specifically, the idea to have the main characters, Brittni and Justin stuck together in an elevator. No, I've never been trapped in a malfunctioning elevator, but I did get my hand smashed up pretty bad by closing elevator doors when I was in seventh grade. That sucked. Not that I would ever want to be in that situation, but it is fun to imagine who I would want to be trapped in an elevator with. Here is my list. Luckily, I'm a when life gives you lemons, make lemonade kind of girl, so if it ever really happened, we'd have one heck of a party.

1.  Ellen DeGeneres- First of all, every good party needs a host. Who better than Ellen? We'd get some dancing, a few jokes, and best of all, some cool selfies that we would post on Twitter and get like two million retweets and we'd trend world wide, and everyone would be like, "Hey, you know Ellen?" And I'd be like, "Psh, please."

2. Pink- I shouldn't even need to say anymore, but I will. It's freaking Pink, one of the coolest chicks on the planet. She is such an inspiration. And look how excited she is to be included. Nuff said.

3. Theo James- "It?" Theo, you dirty boy. Are you asking what I think you are? We can't do that with the others in here. On the other hand, I did include you on the list for my own guilty pleasure. Tell you what, let me distract Ellen and Pink and then you can show me whatever it is you want me to see. Wink Wink.

4. Melissa McCarthy- I so loved Gilmore Girls. That's the first reason, but she is also funny as hell. Who didn't pee their pants laughing during the movie Bridesmaids? Wait, not that I did that. I mean, it was funny, I just meant...See, this is why Melissa and I would talk, I'm assuming telepathically.

5. J.K. Rowling- As much as I love a good party, I'd still need to get a little work done. Since J.K. brought her laptop, I'll get mine out and we could be BFFs and write a book together, and I could visit her castle in Scotland, and we could be BFFs. I think I said that one already, but I'm trying to make my point to my new bestie, and she could introduce me to the real Harry Potter. Oh, and Hermione, and Dumbledore. Sorry, I'm embarrassing myself now. I'm just such a huge Harry Potter geek.

Well, that's my fabulous stuck in an elevator party. Sorry if I left you off the list (Ryan Gosling). I'll get you next time. At least we had more fun than Brittni and Justin in Misunderstandings. So, who would invite to your party?

Just when she thought things were going up…

Two years after a devastating breakup, Brittni Mitchell has moved on from Justin Avery—or so she tells herself. But when she returns to Seattle for her best friend’s engagement party, Brittni finds herself the victim of a disastrously timed elevator breakdown. She’s trapped with the last person she wants to face, and forced to recount the past she desperately wants to forget.

She’s going to have to look back…

When Brittni left her podunk hometown for a big city college experience at the University of Washington, hooking up with a guy like Justin Avery was not part of her plan. Between Justin’s attention-grabbing tattoos, cigarette smoking, and bad boy attitude Brittni quickly chalked him up as "Mr. Wrong." But his charm was unrelenting, and Brittni’s decision to give Justin a chance quickly turned into the worst choice she ever made.

So that she might be able to move forward.

Now she’s stuck with Justin—literally—and the complicated web of misunderstandings that tied up the truth for two years is about to unravel.

Purchase: | Amazon | KindleB&N |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Misunderstandings

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Tiffany's question: So, who would invite to your party?
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tiffany King & Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

If I had an elevator party, I would invite someone pretty to look at (Stephen Amell-Arrow), someone to make me laugh (Jeff Dunham), someone to talk books with (Abbi Glines), someone to sing to me (Chris Daughtry) and my sister.

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! Ryan Reynolds :)

Em said...

Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper for me.

Sharlene said...

First of all, I would probably have a heart attack if I got stuck on an elevator, so maybe a hot paramedic?

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read this one. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be stuck with Ellen and Melissa McCarthy from your list. I'd also add Julia Roberts. She was on Ellen today and when she starts laughing it's contagious. I'd like to spend all the time laughing to help me forget I'm stuck.

Marcy Shuler

Alexisa said...

Book boyfriend of the week JZB :)

Unknown said...

I'd be happy to just have Gerard Butler, lol.

bn100 said...

someone funny

Anita Yancey said...

I would invite Bradley Cooper.

Susy said...

I would invite some hot guys

Sue G. said...

I would invite Gerard Butler just to hear him speak! ;)

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