
ARC Review: Read, Write, Love by Melissa Foster

Read, Write, Love is the fifth book in the Remingtons series by Melissa Foster. This is the author Kurt's story, and he was the last remaining single Remington. I'll admit that after reading Rush and Jayla's story, I wasn't sure how much I would like Kurt's. I did really enjoy it though, and the book just kept getting better and better. This series is really good, and I highly recommend to all fans of contemporary romances especially if you like a series full of interconnected characters with interwoven stories. It's great to get each character's story, but also to continue to see them and how their HEAs are progressing.

Kurt Remington is a bestselling thriller writer, and he is used to living his life according to a routine. He runs, eats, drinks coffee, and writes. To work on his latest novel, he heads to his Cape house looking for some peace and quiet to focus. When he ends up being disturbed by a pretty woman trying to save her dog from drowning, he is instantly drawn to her and wants to get to know her better. For the first time in his life he is interested in things outside of just writing. Leanna has had job after job, and is using the summer to launch her new jam making business. At first glance Kurt and Leanna are complete opposites that should never work. But the closer they get the more they make sense. Soon they are making plans for their future together. But when a career opportunity comes up that would keep them apart and force them into a long distance relationship, Leanna and Kurt must make the choice of whether or not to make sacrifices for their growing relationship.

I really liked Kurt. He was quiet and reserved at first, and was so regimented in everything he did. He was sweet though, and went out of his way to help Leanna even when she had interrupted his writing. But he was so thoughtful and continued to do nice things for her just because he had been thinking of her. It was great to see him start to fall for her and watch as he started to actually live his life for more than just writing. Leanna I was slower to warm up to, but I did end up liking her. I thought that she was great for Kurt, and she really brought him out of his shell. She was such a free spirit and was a bit scatterbrained. She rambled a lot and was a bit odd. But she was also fun and playful, and lived life to the fullest. Kurt and Leanna were great for each other and they brought out different sides of each other that they weren't used to. They were a great balance for each other and had a lot of chemistry. Their relationship happened fast, but it was so real and believable. I never once questioned any of their feelings or decisions.

Overall, this was another great installment to this series. These books are really enjoyable, and I love the characters and how different each and every one of them are. Kurt and Leanna's story was sweet and light and I loved seeing them fall for each other and grow into such a great couple. I loved Leanna's friends and how they interacted with Kurt also. I also really enjoyed her dog Pepper, and thought it was so cute how quickly Kurt and he bonded after getting off to a rough start. They were adorable together. I have to say that Rush and Jayla's story is still my favorite, but Kurt and Leanna's is a really close second. This series is one I would definitely suggest that all contemporary romance fans give a shot, and I cannot wait to read more from Melissa Foster in the future.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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The_Book_Queen said...

I've got a few of her books on my Kindle, but haven't tried them yet. But the covers are all great and they sound wonderful!

I have to admit, I keep seeing "Kirk" when I read Kurt's name. Which brings to mind the infamous Kirk from the TV series Gilmore Girls, which then makes me shudder, and not in a good way. LOL. Odd ramble of the day! :)


Melissa Foster said...

Wow!! What an in-depth and detailed review! I can tell you really got into it and I really love that. Kurt's one of my favorites, but there's a brother for everyone's taste ;-) I always love visiting your blog and appreciate your awesome review! XOXO

RFTC Blog said...

Lol! What Kirk doesn't do it for you? You don't have a litlle Lulu in you? Lol. Actually when you put Kirk I thought of Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains but now I keep picturing Kirk from GG. Love that show!

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