
Interview with Author Adrianne Lee and Giveaway

Meet Adrianne Lee, author of Delectable.

Adrianne Lee lives with her husband of many, many years on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Washington State in a pole barn building her husband transformed into an upstairs apartment with a shop below for his hot rods. Adrianne creates her stories on her laptop, in her recliner with her adopted cat, Spooky, curled between her calves, snoozing. Over thirty years of summer vacationing in the Flat Head Lake area near Kalispell and Glacier Park has given her a love for all things Montana.

Find Adrienne at:

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
As Callee & Quint McCoy launch Big Sky Pie, they discover their love is so sinfully tasty that one DELECTABLE slice won’t be enough.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
Anything that doesn’t require research. When I’m writing along and have to stop to go and research, even the smallest thing, it can become a huge time zapper. There’s a scene in DELECTABLE where Callee and Quint are attempting to make a pie that quickly turns into a sizzling love scene. That was fun.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Narrowing the list to three is tough. I have so many favorite authors, but since I can only name three, I’d say Nora Roberts because she’s always fun to chat with or to sit and listen to. She has great stories and opinions. Agatha Christie because her books were the first fiction I read that spurred my love of mysteries. Stephen King because some of his books are among my all-time favorites.

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
I love mysteries with a romance woven throughout.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m just starting the Weddingville series. Think cozy mystery, small town, romance and murder. The first book is A WEDDING TO DIE FOR.

If you could have a drink with a favorite author, who is the author and what are you drinking?

Montana real estate agent Quint McCoy will tell you that the most important thing is location, location, location. It's a lesson he learns all too well when he goes incommunicado for a four-week fishing trip to Alaska. While he's away, his mother Molly turns his office into the pie shop she has always dreamed of, Big Sky Pie. But that's not the only surprise in store for him.

On her way out of town, Callee McCoy only wants to say a fond farewell to her beloved mother-in-law. But Molly soon persuades Callee to stay and lend a hand at the new shop, even if it means heating up the kitchen with her soon-to-be ex. As Callee and Quint rediscover their recipe for love, they realize that some couples are so sinfully good together that one delectable taste is never enough . . .

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Check out the Big Sky Pie series:

She turned off the tap, wishing she could shed all sensuous longings for this man. She couldn’t change what didn’t work between them. But she so missed the feel of his warm, inviting skin, and although she didn’t want to think about that, she couldn’t seem to stop. There was something oddly seductive about being alone with him in this kitchen.

He grabbed a towel and dried his hands, also seeming a bit ill at ease. Maybe it was that he was about to try making his first piecrust in years. Or maybe he too felt the tantalizing hum in the air. He tossed the towel to her. She caught it and dried her hands as he turned away, and her gaze snagged on his amazing backside. Damn. Stop it. Look somewhere else. Think about something else. Where the hell had she put that chilled water? There. She crossed the room, grabbed the bottle, and downed a gulp. Quint was peering into the freezer.

She kept her eyes on the back of his head, not daring to look lower. Safe territory. Except that lock of ebony hair curling over his collar captivated her. He needed a haircut. Bad. Her fingertips itched for a pair of scissors as a memory of one particular haircut flashed into her mind, rocking her back in time.

The bathroom in their master bedroom. The air, steamy with the aromas of peach shampoo, spicy bath gel, and unbridled sex. She was replete with a delicious feeling coursing through her veins and passion for this man who was her husband, filling her heart to the edge of overflowing—a magical sensation only intimate lovers experience.

Quint had sat on her makeup stool, a towel wrapping his lean waist. She bent forward over his back, teasing her fingers through the hair on his chest, tracing it down his flat belly to where it disappeared into the towel. He grinned at her reflection in the mirror and reached behind him, playfully slipping his hand inside her robe and between her legs. Her body responded to his every touch, every stroke, need coiling deep in her core.

Laughing, she kept threatening to take a chunk of hair out of the back of his head if he didn’t stop. But she didn’t want him to stop. And he didn’t. Soon the scissors were slipping from her hands, the robe falling to the floor, his towel gone. Her blood began to sizzle at the high-def memory.

Oh my God. Stop. She cleared her throat, but her voice croaked when she asked, “What do you need me to do?”

A good assistant always deferred to the chef. Just like a willing lover.

He grabbed a package of frozen and pitted dark red cherries from the freezer and emptied it into a huge glass bowl. “At room temp, this should thaw in an hour, hour and a half.”

“Okay,” she said, determined not to stare at him or to have any more erotic memories as he bent and began to dig in the refrigerator. She spun toward the cupboard that faced the Subzero and, for the first time, noticed a built-in CD player. She considered turning it on, but Quint interrupted the thought.

“Aha. There’s the butter.” He placed two sticks of unsalted butter on the work island. “Do you know where Mama keeps the flour, salt, and sugar?”

“Oh, you know what?” She crossed to the linen cupboard and withdrew two chef coats, one small and one that must have been Rafe’s. “Before we go any further, I suggest we put these on. Baking pies can get messy.”

Quint grinned at her, that engaging heart-stopping grin, as she helped him adjust the coat over his broad shoulders. The air between them crackled like heat lightning. His gaze slipped to

her mouth, and her mouth tingled in response, and then a jackhammer pulsed through her veins, making her body ache for his touch. His kiss.

He leaned down as though he meant to oblige her mouth, but instead he whispered, “Damn it, Callee, I’m only human. If you don’t want me to kiss you, stop looking at me like that, or I won’t be responsible for what happens.”

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 5 A Scrumptious Pie Prize Pack
  • 10 print copy of Delectable

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Adrianne's question: If you could have a drink with a favorite author, who is the author and what are you drinking?
  • US Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Adrianne Lee & Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kathleen O said...

I love Pecan Pie warm out of the oven with French Vanilla Ice cream.mmmmm

KV H said...

I enjoy Lemon Meringue Pie.

penney said...

I'd say Lori Wilde and we would have wine and talk over her books. She's one of my favorite Authors. I do have many more. I do love Key lime pie or strawberry pie

Sandy Kenny said...

As far as authors are concerned, I am torn. I love different authors for different reasons. I love Shana Galen's historicals and Kristan Higgins's contemporaries as well as a host of other authors in different genres...
As far as pie is concerned, I like blueberry pie a la mode. Yum!

Maggie Steele said...

I like a sliver of pumpkin pie dropped into a full tub of Cool Whip!

Annwitch said...

I love a big piece of lemon meringue pie and I will have the ice cream too. A blueberry ice cream is great with lemon pie.

Unknown said...

Warm apple pie (a la mode of course!) I think I would want to have a drink with Jill Shalvis and Kristan Higgins, they seem to have the funniest stories :) I don't know what I'd be drinking though, it could be anything!

Gretchen said...

I would love to have tea with Mary Balogh.

Maureen said...

One of my favorites is apple pie a la mode.

Unknown said...

Somehow, I didn't know about this leg of my blog tour and I apologize to everyone for not being on site yesterday. Thank you so much for hosting me. This is a really lovely post.

Unknown said...

My favorite is hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream. But I find most folks don't bake the apples long enough, or maybe they are cutting the slices too large. The apples shouldn't be crunchy.

Unknown said...

I haven't had any lemon meringue pie in years. But now I'm craving some.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite things to do is talk writing with writers. I'd be drinking a Skinny Bitch, though. That's Diet Coke and Vodka in a pounder glass with some lime slices. :)

Unknown said...

I love stories that make me laugh or feel something intense. DELICIOUS, Big Sky Pie #2 is all about blueberry pies with a recipe in the back. Now I'm wanting some of that pie. Geesh.

Unknown said...

One of the best pumpkin pies I ever made was from scratch. I'd always used the canned pumpkin before. And definitely Cool Whip, Maggie.

Unknown said...

Annwitch, sounds like you just like pie. :) Why not mix them together?

Unknown said...

Krysten, my favorite pie also. I'd include Katie Lane in the group and we'd probably be drinking coffee to go with our pie.

Unknown said...

Perfect, Gretchen!!! Just perfect!!!

Unknown said...

Maureen, that is my most favorite pie. I like the one on the cover of DELIGHTFUL, Big Sky Pie #3. It makes my mouth water every time I look at it.

Em said...

My favorite is coconut cream pie, heavenly.

Unknown said...

I used to love coconut cream pie. Haven't had any in years though it sounds good about now. :)

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