
ARC Review: Crossing the Line by Megan Hart

Crossing the Line by Megan Hart is a short and sexy Cosmo Red-Hot Reads novella and is intended to be a quick and hot romance read. I have to say that this one just didn't do anything for me. It was short and had promise of being a sexy story, but it just wasn't able to deliver. Caite has a thing for one of her bosses, but Jamison acts as though he doesn't know she exists. When her other boss Elise has complications with her pregnancy, Caite has to step up and interact with Jamison more. The attraction between them grows, but both are wary of starting anything because of their professional relationship. But Jamison is drawn to Caite and craves what only she can offer him, even if it confuses him.

I really felt like there wasn't anything that happened in this story. There just wasn't a lot going on, and I kept waiting for something that never came. There wasn't anything really forbidden about this, and there wasn't a chance for any office drama of them getting caught seeing each other. Jamison was used to being in control and struggled giving that up to Caite and not being ashamed about what they were doing. But really that was the extent of the story. I was pretty bored with this one and it didn't really hold my interest. If it wouldn't have been for the extremely short length, I would have given up on this one. I wish that I could say that the heat made up for the lack of story, but honestly there wasn't even that much steam to this one. I felt like we didn't really ever get to know the characters either, and that made it even harder for me to want to read this book. There was just nothing to capture and keep my attention. I feel like this story could have been so much more, and the idea of Caite being the one in control of Jamison definitely intrigued me. Unfortunately it just fell short on the delivery of what could have been a really hot and interesting story.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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