
Guest Post with Author Marie Harte and Giveaway

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with romance and happy endings and knew writing was her calling. Years later after the Marine Corps, Information Technology, and 60 hour work weeks, her dream has finally come true.

Marie lives in Oregon with her family and is constantly reading and writing.

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This is going to be fun! So 10 facts about my McCauley Brothers books and characters for you...

1. The Troublemaker Next Door is the title chosen by my publisher (which I’m happy to say I love, by the way. Titles chosen for you can be hit or miss.) I had originally titled the story A Flair for Flynn or thought of possibly using Casually Yours.

2. Though the stories are classified as contemporary romance, they are very steamy, borderline erotic. Then again, what one person considers steamy another considers tame. But still, you might need to fan yourself a few times while reading. (Flynn’s a dirty talker. *grin*)

3. I added in the naughty phone scene after a prominent agent, at one point interested in the story, thought it needed more interaction between the hero and heroine. I also cut out some family scenes to focus on Flynn and Maddie more. Though I miss the family dinners, I do think the book works better the way it is now.

4. The stories take place in Seattle, because my mother lives there and I get a kick out of visiting. What an amazing city! The condo where Cameron lives is an actual building where units are for sale above the Hyatt at Olive 8. The spa and pool look incredible.

5. I love Pike Place Market, and I’m a sucker for the craft tables, as well as the gorgeous flowers. Flynn buys Maddie a few trinkets while they spend a day together in The Troublemaker Next Door.

6. Of all the brothers, each holds a special place in my heart. Flynn is suave, caring, and sexy. So sexy. I want to find my own Flynn McCauley someday. *sigh* Brody’s vulnerable but not about to show it, and he’s such a sweetheart under all the bluster. I admit I cried writing his happy ending. Cam is the financial whiz who has a hard time fitting in. I love that he’s not afraid to be who he is—smart, compassionate, and assertive. Mike. Ah, Mike. I’ve loved him and his son, Colin, from book 1. Mike’s always taking care of everyone else, locked down, not about to open up to love again. He totally destroyed me at the end (more tears, gah), when he has to face a few hard truths.

7. I love this family so much, and you only barely get to meet their cousins, the Donnigans, whom I would LOVE to introduce you to… I’ve already mentally plotted stories for them as well as Del’s family. I couldn’t help myself.

8. Colin McCauley, Mike’s son, is such a cutie. He’s five going on forty, and he can charm you out of quarters, candy and soda like a true con man. He makes his uncles proud and his father want to pull his hair out.

9. I added the dog in book 2 for my mother, who is a dog fanatic. But then I fell for Mutt, the giant dog who’s so scary-looking and so needy he’ll break your heart.

10. It took me no time at all to write that first book. A mere two weeks for 90,000 words. The McCauleys had to come alive, so it’s fate you all get to meet them.

He can fix her sink, but can he wrench his way into her heart?

Flynn McCauley never thought he’d be so cliché as to fall for the girl next door. But when Maddie calls him over to help fix her faulty sink, he’s a goner. Too bad the fiercely independent interior designer wants nothing to do with him. Even worse, he’s forced to rely on the advice of his nosy brothers—and his five-year-old nephew!—to figure out how to make her give him a shot.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of The Troublemaker Next Door

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Unknown said...

This book sounds great!

Unknown said...

The book and the series look great! Can't wait to read.

Laney4 said...

New author to me. Would love to check it out!

Marcy Meyer said...

Sounds like a really cute story!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great story, she is a new author to me. Will definitely add to my wish list!

May said...

I like the covers and the blurb sounds great!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fun book. I also like series with families.

Marcy Shuler

Sue G. said...

New author for me but I really like the sexy covers!

Unknown said...

I'm excited for this series! It sounds like a fun book to relax it's about family too!

Anonymous said...

I loved your list, but I am even more confronted with the fact that I will never be a writer. Cannot believe how quickly you wrote that first book. I've been around a lot of writers and I have come to the conclusion that you folks are a breed apart! ;-) You observe, absorb, and then regurgitate! So my question is, do you also take time to create a life of your own? And does that life ever spill over into your books? M. Berbeza

Glenda said...

Loved the 10 facts! I've got this series on my wish list! Thanks!

Marie Harte said...

Thanks so much for having me. I will also say that writing fast isn't important. It's writing period. The Troublemaker Next Door just flowed incredibly well. Better than any other book I've ever written and some are just like that. I'm always working, but if you can't take time for your family/life in general. I think there's a problem. Luckily I'm naturally lazy. LOL I have to take breaks. I hope you guys like the book. :)

Ada said...

This sounds like a great new series, I can't wait to read all about the McCauley Brothers!

Patricia P. said...

Sounds great. Definitely need to read this series.

Unknown said...

Soooo good!! Definitely can't wait for the next one :)

Anita H. said...

Always love adding new authors to my TBR pile! The McCauley Brothers sound like amazing guys, definitely interested in picking up these books :)

bn100 said...

Interesting characters

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