
ARC Review: Intoxicated by Monica Murphy

Intoxicated is a short novella in the Billionaire Bachelors Club series by Monica Murphy. This short story gives the reader more of each of the couples from the previous books and updates you on where they are with their HEAs. When the story starts, it is Gage and Marina's wedding day. Ivy and Archer are set to be the best man and maid of honor when Ivy goes into labor. Matt and Bryn step up to help Marina and Gage when Archer and Ivy are unable to make it to the wedding. As the wedding day goes on, Bryn starts to get scared as Matt drops hints that he might be ready for them to be the next to wed. The whole time everyone is trying to figure out the sex of the baby and to see who will win the bet.

This novella was really more of a short story to me than a novella. The details for this one say that there are over 200 pages, but honestly there are so many excerpts that this one is actually closer to 50 pages. It was short and sweet, and did a decent job of updating the reader about what was going on for these billionaires that are no longer bachelors and their women. But there really wasn't a lot going on in this story other than that Ivy has her baby and the reader finds out if it is a boy or girl and the name as well as Marina and Gage get married. I think that fans will be excited to get more of their favorite characters and to get to see these events in their lives, but honestly I had been expecting more. I think that some readers will be left feeling unsatisfied with the amount of story in this one and will be left wanting more. If you are a fan of the series, I would still recommend reading this to catch up with all your favorite characters though. I do like Monica Murphy's writing style and this one was written well. I look forward to reading more from her in the future, and would be interested to see more from these characters especially Matt and Bryn because their story felt a bit unfinished to me after reading this one.

**ARC Provided by Edelweiss**

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