
ARC Review: Make You Mine by Macy Beckett

Allie Mauvais owns The Sweet Spot bakery and is the descendent of a famous voodoo priestess. It is believed she cursed the Dumont men. They have not married in four generations, but they have children. Especially Marc Dumont’s father, he has five sons and counting. The Dumont family owns a riverboat and Marc has been selected to captain his first voyage. His half-brothers and grandfather are part of the crew. Everything is in place, except the position of pastry chef. Allie is sent by an agency to fill in. The Dumonts believe in the curse and give her a wide berth. The renowned chef Allie looks forward to working with is rude and sabotages her work station. The only one pleasant to her is Marc’s half-sister, Ella. Marc’s attraction to Allie defies the curse, but strange things start to happen on board. Marc fights with his grandfather over Allie. After too much grief and no commitment from Marc, Allie goes back to her shop. She and her sister, Dev, stage a curse breaking ritual for Marc, but it doesn’t work. They decide they both need a break from work and men and head to Las Vegas. Dev has a history with Marc’s half-brother Beau. Marc realizes his stubbornness is the problem and follows Allie in hopes of marrying her. Will their wedding finally break the curse?

Allie is a successful business woman and uses her family’s name to her advantage. Women come in for charms or to have their fortunes told. Allie goes along and wishes them well. She follows her passion of baking and helps the Dumonts out. When the chef banishes her from the kitchen, she works in every other job on the boat. Nothing is beneath her, she signed on to work. She’s treated with disrespect from Marc’s grandfather and gets through it. She proves herself to be a good person and true friend.

It takes Marc too long to realize he loves Allie and the curse is a myth. He uses her and then lets her go. He falls for the cleansing ritual and is mad when it doesn’t work. He should stand by Allie when she accused of horrible things, but he’s silent and lets it happen. Marc’s weakness and his failing to step in and defend Allie make him an unsuitable partner.

Marc and his half-brothers revel in their prowess. They discuss their conquests and see them as part of their lore. Even their father brings his latest pregnant lady to the wedding reception. It’s a negative trait. Both Allie and Dev could do better.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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