
Feature and Giveaway: Endless Affinity by Brooklyn Taylor

Grace Ingram made one mistake that sent her down a path that was full of heart break and misery. In a moment of hesitation her stubbornness left her filled with doubts in her mind that could cause her to sacrifice the love of her life.

Grace was a blue-collar, strong, independent Texas girl that had been with the same guy since high school. Now at the age of 26 she has been asked the one thing most women are waiting and wishing for, but not Grace. The last thing she wanted was to get married and start a family- especially with a guy that had never had to work for a living. She knew Kyle was the only one she had ever loved with all her heart, trusting and allowing a level of intimacy she would never allow with another. After all he was the only man that knew of the abuse she suffered as a high school teenager. The differences in their lifestyles were in such contrast, though, that it was hard for her to let her guard down. Grace had no idea the battle she would really be fighting once she realized she was losing Kyle for good.

Kyle Chandler was everything every woman wanted. He was rich, gorgeous and full of charm. He was a ladies’ man but the only girl he had eyes for was Grace, his high school sweetheart. He had the world handed to him on a silver platter. The one thing he couldn’t have and wanted deeply was to make Grace his, but he hadn’t been successful at accomplishing that. After years of reluctance he decides to take the risk and ask her to be his, only to be met with the answer he dreaded.

Now, the three girls are back together, trying to juggle their friendships and their busy lives. McKoy is beginning to take over her successful family Vineyard, and Ashlynn getting ready for the arrival of her baby with Cooper.

Will the people that come into their lives keep them apart? Or serve to make them realize the love that they really share?

Do you have to really lose the most important person in your life to realize how special they are? And how hard will you fight to regain that love?

Can Grace overcome her indecisiveness, confident in the love she and Kyle share, knowing they are meant to be together? And is love really enough?

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Kyle was taking control tonight and I was letting him. I was handing him the reins. It felt mind blowing. He pulled up my tank top and started to kiss up and down my breasts and neck. He bit lightly on my nipple as he tugged at them slightly ensuring a peak. His breath on my skin was getting me so excited, I wanted to scream- take me! Take me please! He made me hot as hell and making love on a car was another dream of mine. The thought of it happening with Kyle on a race car, had me so wet and ready I was getting frustrated with Kyle for not going fast enough. He had never forced me into anything and I knew that if I wanted to stop at this very moment, he would. I could feel him hard under his pants and I wanted tonight to be the night.

All my fears about Gary were all gone. I had my eyes open and I could see only Kyle. I could feel only Kyle and feel I could. I was ready.

I started to rub against him up and down his hardness. The jeans were in the way and I was getting frustrated with the determination of wanting to feel skin on skin. I started to pull on his button up jeans to get them off impatiently. He started laughing just a little through his hard breathing.

"You’re a little anxious, sassy pants?"

"Kyle, stop stalling. I’m ready."

I am a Texas girl, mother of 2 amazing kiddos and married to my gorgeous soulmate for almost 20 years. I have a full time job in the medical field but hope one day to strictly write. I love to spend my free time reading, being outside and playing with my family and 4 fur babies. I am blessed to have very supportive friends and family that make my life worth living! I started to write at the instinct of "hey maybe I can do that!" and here I am. I have enjoyed every step of the journey. Every single person I hear from about my stories touches me and confirms the reason why I ventured into this insane dream of mine.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 signed copy of Endless Affinity
  • 3 eBook sets of Endless Affinity + Eternal Soulmate
  • 1 $5 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Brooklyn Taylor & Book Plug Promotions sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

thank you for the chance to win. Great post :)

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