
Interview with Author Katie Rose and Giveaway

Meet Katie Rose, author of Bring On the Heat.

Award-winning historical author Katie Rose makes her contemporary debut with the Boys of Summer novels, Bring on the Heat and Too Hot to Handle, which combine Katie’s true loves: baseball and romance! When not watching baseball, Katie is at her lake house in New Jersey, hard at work on her next book.

Find Katie at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I am an author of 12 historical romances, a novella, short stories, and magazine articles, and have been very fortunate to have been recognized by the Doug Perry Journalism Award, Romantic Times awards, Colorado Romance Writers Award. I grew up in New Jersey, in a small town called Clementon, and now reside in Medford Lakes. BRING ON THE HEAT is my first contemporary sports themed romance.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Writing always came easily to me, the way fixing cars did to my brother, or fashion does to my daughter. Like most writers, I was a reader. I think everyone is good at something.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I usually start with the general idea, and then start thinking about the characters. That usually gives me some thoughts on the situation, who these people are, and why they are together/not together. I then write the first three chapters to get a feel for the story, and at that point I do a synopsis.

Where do your ideas come from?
The idea for BRING ON THE HEAT came from the charity event I attended with my daughter, and we got to meet the Phillies! I started thinking it would be fun if our heroine had a crush on handsome pitcher, got to meet him at a glitzy event like this after accepting someone else’s invitation. They wind up together, and the next morning she is mortified and only wants to escape except. . . She leaves behind her employers fabulous diamond earrings.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
A case of mistaken identity lands a female fan in bed with a sexy superstar and a major league trouble.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Everything. Grisham, Nora Roberts, new authors. I look through Amazon until I see something that interests me.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
There are too many. To kill a Mockingbird, GONE WITH THE WIND, etc.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
When I get stuck, it’s usually because something’s wrong and then I have to figure it out. That’s the hard part.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Nora Roberts, because I love everything she writes. I think John Grisham would be fascinating.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am just finishing the next baseball book called TOO HOT TO HANDLE. This was great fun, with a hero that was very different Than Chase in BRING ON THE HEAT.

I thought the question about what you’d like to read is interesting. I wonder how other people find books they enjoy?


In Katie Rose’s irresistible battle of wits, a case of mistaken identity lands a female fan in bed with a sexy superstar—and in major-league trouble.

House-sitting for a rich and famous friend has its perks, and Darcy Hamel isn’t shy about enjoying them. Especially when it means scoring a ticket to an exclusive fashion show hosted by the New Jersey Sonics. An avid baseball fan, Darcy has always dreamed of meeting the team—especially the starting pitcher whose body is as hot as his fastball. But there’s a catch. The gala is by invitation only. To get behind the velvet rope, mild-mannered Darcy will have to pose as party girl Lydia Logan.

Schmoozing is one of the downsides of fame, but Chase Westbrook knows how to liven up even the dullest event. And nothing spices a night up more than a beautiful socialite with a naughty reputation. What Chase doesn’t expect is a hint of sweetness beneath her sultry façade. Flirtation turns to seduction and leaves him aching for more. Chase just doesn’t know who the real Lydia is: the spoiled tease crying foul over some missing diamonds or the alluring woman making a play for his heart.

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  • 1 $25 Gift Card + Loveswept Mug and Tote Bag

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  • Please answer Katie's question: I wonder how other people find books they enjoy?
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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Katie Rose & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Betty Hamilton said...

I wonder how other people find books they enjoy?
I very often visit the "Friends of the Library" book sales. I have found wonderful books there by authors that I hadn't read before. I also love the blogs and find many great suggestions there.

Marcy Meyer said...

I follow book blogs by email and on Facebook and watch for recommendations.

MrsMac19 said...

I typically find new books by following several authors and bloggers on Facebook in addition to subscribing to more e-mail lists than I can count. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Anonymous said...

I visit book blogs I like and get RT Bookreviews magazine. I also check out books recommended by friends and authors on FB.

Marcy Shuler

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