
Feature and Giveaway: Tempted by His Touch: A LIMITED EDITION BOXED SET of Dukes, Rogues, & Alpha Heroes Historical Romance Novels

A boxed set with ten sizzling historical romances from ten bestselling historical romance authors. Fall in love with fabulous tales of intrigue, suspense, wit, and passion featuring dukes, rogues, alpha heroes…and the women who can’t resist them. JUST 99 CENTS from July 27 - Sept. 21---then it disappears FOREVER!

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Scoundrel Ever After by Darcy Burke 

Once upon a time there was a very bad boy who met a very nice girl....

Lady of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle

Educating a man in the art of love takes time. Lots of it.

Sonata for a Scoundrel by Anthea Lawson 

Passion and secrets simmer against the glittering backdrop of 19th century musical celebrity.

To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield by Bronwen Evans 

What's a lady to do when a notorious rake wins her estate in a game of cards?

Undone by Lila DiPasqua 

One steamy, emotionally charged retelling of Rapunzel…Rescuing this beauty from the ‘tower’ is only the beginning…

The Problem with Seduction by Emma Locke 

Elizabeth Spencer needs a man. She doesn't need to like him—because while she needs a man, she doesn't particularly want one.

A Dangerous Invitation by Erica Monroe 

Daniel O'Reilly returns to win back Kate Morgan’s heart and prove he's innocent of murder.

Once Upon a Duke by Eva Devon 

A widow looking to get seduced. A duke more than willing to oblige.

Great & Unfortunate Desires by Gina Danna 

A marquis with a guilty past takes a bride in a world where love is fatal.

Dark Surrender by Erica Ridley 

Trapped in darkness…. Their passion burns bright!

Excerpt from Emma Locke’s “The Problem with Seduction”

“I’m not going to kiss you.” His warm breath tickled her hair.

“Why not?” The side of her mouth moved against his coat. The soft wool smelled like him.

The weight of his arms settled against her shoulders. His palms ran down her spine and pulled her even tighter against him. “You sound disappointed.”

“I wouldn’t mind if you kissed me. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m disappointed.” She tried to sound haughty, but he only laughed.

He rested his chin against the top of her head. “You smell good.”

Her cheeks heated. “I was thinking the same about you.”

“Oh? And what do I smell like? Dust and spilled milk, I imagine.”

She smiled against his coat. He did smell a bit like Oliver. “It’s nice.”

“I’m glad you think so. Now I know whether or not babies should be bounced while traveling in carriages.”

A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her devoted husband, their two great kids, and two Bengal cats. In her “spare” time Darcy is a serial volunteer enrolled in a 12-step program where one learns to say “no,” but she keeps having to start over. She’s also a fair-weather runner, and her happy places are Disneyland and Labor Day weekend at the Gorge.

Find Darcy at:

USA Today Bestselling Author Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines, and compassionate alpha heroes.

Her debut Regency romance, Invitation to Ruin won the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Historical 2012, and was an RT Reviewers’ Choice Nominee Best First Historical 2011. Her first self-published novella, To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield, was a FINALIST in the Kindle Book Review Indie Romance Book of the Year 201,2 and a finalist in the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Historical 2013. Her first contemporary released December 2012, The Reluctant Wife, won the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Category 2013.

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Lila DiPasqua is a multi-published, national bestselling author of historical romance with heat. Her novels are published by Penguin/Berkley, as well as having self-published works.

She is best known for her critically acclaimed Fiery Tales series. Her books have been featured on Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Clubs.

She lives with her husband and three children in Canada and is a firm believer in the happily-ever-after.

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Delilah Marvelle is the winner of the Reviewer's Choice for Best Sensual Historical Romance of the Year and had Booklist name her historical romance 'Forever and a Day' one of the TOP 10 Romances of the year. When she isn't writing, she's digging through inappropriate research books that include anything in history having to do with courtesans, brothels, sexual contraptions that were never properly used and other fascinating forms of dirty history that didn't make it into college textbooks. She includes all of her research in her books to ensure countless hours of entertainment and continues to take pride in knowing more about dirty history than most people feel comfortable with.

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Erica Ridley learned to read when she was three, which was about the same time she decided to be a writer when she grew up.

She is the author of three Gothic romances, Too Wicked to Kiss, Too Sinful to Deny and Dark Surrender, the vampire romance "Never Been Bitten" in the paranormal romance anthology Born To Bite, contemporary paranormal romances Charmed and Midwinter Magic, and the holiday fantasy romance Let It Snow.

When not reading or writing romances, Erica can be found riding camels in Africa, zip-lining through rainforests in Costa Rica, or getting hopelessly lost in the middle of Budapest.

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Emma Locke is a writer and engineer living in the Pacific Northwest, where she loves hiking with her dog, hot yoga and riding out the annual 330 days of rain. Hiking and yoga give her time to plot, the lack of sun makes for perfect writing weather, and as for her day job, the dichotomy seems to work: her analytic side ensures her passionate, satisfying love stories don't mulch under her bed, and her author side forces her to keep writing more.

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Gina has spent the better part of her life reading. History has been her love and she spent numerous hours devouring historical romance stories, dreaming of writing one of her own. Years later, after receiving undergraduate and graduate degrees in History, writing academic research papers and writing for museum programs and events, she finally found the time to write her own stories of historical romantic fiction.

Now, under the supervision of her three dogs and three cats, she writes amid a library of research books, with her only true break away is to spend time with her other life long dream – her Arabian horse – with him, her muse can play.

Find Gina at:

Erica Monroe is a bestselling author of emotional, suspenseful romance. Though she has a Bachelor's degree in writing, she's been a secretary, a barista, and a retail assistant. Now Erica spends her days crafting lovable rogues and feisty heroines for her historical and new adult series. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina, and the Beau Monde Regency Romance chapter. When not writing, she is a chronic TV watcher, sci-fi junkie, lover of pit bulls, and shoe fashionista. She lives in the suburbs of North Carolina with her husband, two dogs, and a cat.

Find Erica at:

Author of sexy and laugh out loud funny Regencies, I'm also Maire Claremont, creator of dark and angsty Victorians!

Find Devon at:

Anthea Lawson, called "a new star of Historical Romance" by Booklist, has won readers with her combination of spicy love scenes and elegant prose. Her first novel, PASSIONATE, was a Best First Book finalist in the prestigious Romance Writers of America RITA awards.

Anthea also writes award-winning YA Urban Fantasy under the pen name Anthea Sharp.

Find Anthea at:

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 iPad Mini + Surprise Print Books

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to all of the Authors for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


sheryl said...

Can't wait to dive into all these books!!! Thanks for putting all these great authors together in one bundle

kathy p said...

can't wait to read these books!

Betty Hamilton said...

This is a wonderful set!! I am looking forward to reading them.

Jan Hougland said...

I loved Emma's excerpt! It showed me that the hero isn't adverse to babies and small children. Love that about a hero! Thanks so much for this post and for presenting this wonderful anthology to readers of historical romance.

Eva said...

Great collection and beautiful cover, and fantastic giveaway, thanks!

Gretchen said...

This is a great collection, and a great giveaway! Thanks!

Darcy Burke said...

Thank you for hosting us today!!! I'm so happy to see so much excitement for this great set of books!!

Anonymous said...

I picked up this boxed set. How could I not at such a great price!

Marcy Shuler

Glenda said...

I'm so glad I got this set! Great price for wonderful books!

Marcy Meyer said...

This looks like a great box set! Thanks for the great giveaway chance too!

Anonymous said...

Just 1-Clicked

Cathy P said...

These books sound really good. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

May said...

What a great set of books!

bn100 said...

Looks interesting

Karen H said...

I love boxed sets. Great way to read the works of new-to-me authors!

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