
Guest Post with Author Catherine Mann and Giveaway

Meet Catherine Mann, author of Shelter Me.

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann and RITA Award winner, Catherine writes contemporary romance for Berkley, Harlequin, and Sourcebooks, With over two million books in print in more than twenty countries, she has also celebrated five RITA finals, three Maggie Award of Excellence finals and a Bookseller’s Best win. A former theater school director and university instructor, she holds a Master’s degree in Theater from UNC-Greensboro and a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts:Theater (with minors in both English and Education) from the College of Charleston. Catherine and her flyboy husband live on the Florida coast where they brought up their 4 children – and still have 5 four-legged, furry “children” (aka pets). Catherine is an active volunteer with her local Humane Society, serving on their Board of Directors and fostering puppies and special needs dogs (she stopped counting at a hundred). She recently checked off a major item on her “bucket list” by completing the hands-on training for the Florida State Animal Rescue Coalition. Catherine enjoys hearing from her readers and can be found online daily.

Find Catherine at:

Top Five Favorite Military Romances

5. Pearl Harbor
Such a heart-tugger. The history also reminds me of conversations with my grandparents. This is definitely a repeat watch for me.

4. Stripes
A comedy, but what a classic! My husband and I have watched this so many times we can recite most of the lines. And the scene where they perform in the military parade with Bill Murray leading, what a keeper moment! I love how his girlfriend can’t help but chuckle in the stands. I understand exactly how she feels. ;)

3. The Lucky One
Sooooo good! This movie speaks to me on so many levels – from the romanticism to the fragile nature of life even for the strongest of the strong. This movie/book touches my heart.

2. An Officer and a Gentleman
I really appreciate the character growth for both the hero and heroine in this one. They’re stronger, better people for having known each other. They earn their happily ever after. And the hat scene at the end – yum!

1. Top Gun
First date with my husband! Need I say more?!

Nestled in the sunny fields of Tennessee lies the McDaniel family’s Second Chance Ranch Animal Rescue. Two new arrivals are on their way, but only one is the four-legged kind.

Staff Sergeant Mike Kowalski wants only one thing after he gets home from Iraq: to sleep in a king-sized bed with clean sheets. But first, he has to hand off his fallen commander’s dog, Trooper, to his family without handing off his heart to Sierra…

Sierra McDaniel needs a break. Her family life is crazy, and when she’s not mucking out kennels, she’s slogging through grad school. Sierra certainly doesn’t want another dog, especially one that reminds her of her father. And she definitely doesn’t want to see Mike with that charming smile of his…

But Trooper has a mission of his own. Before too long Mike is moving to the ranch to lend a hand—and hoping for his own second chance with Sierra.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Shelter Me

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Catherine.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Sounds like a great series!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post and giveaway! Shelter Me sounds so great.

Cheryl R said...

I have never seen the Lucky One! But all the others are on my top pics too! I was also in the military so these do mean a little more to me as well. I will see if I can hunt up Lucky one now.

erin said...

congrats to Catherine on the newest release!!! Love the cover :) Thanks for sharing!

Sharlene said...

Your book sounds great! I have seen all of the movies you listed, except for Pearl Harbor. All good movies!

Martha Lawson said...

I love your books and this one looks like another winner!! Can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine. The only movie on your list I haven't seen is Pearl Harbor. I'll have to remedy this. LOL But I love Stripes. It's just a hoot!

I'm looking forward to reading SHELTER ME. It sounds so good!

Marcy Shuler

Anonymous said...

So many of your movie choices match with mine. You must be of a similar era. Stripes? Saw it at a drive in with a girl friend and we later dragged our husbands back to see it. I can't wait to read your books. :-)

Anita Yancey said...

It sounds like an amazing story. Thank you for writing books about the military and the honor you give them. My husband is retired military, so I really enjoy reading your books.

Cathy P said...

The only one I haven't seen is The Lucky One. Shelter Me sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway!

bn100 said...

Haven't seen those movies yet

lorimeehan said...

Sounds good

Sharon H said...

I love all the ones you chose but I'd add Taking Chance. A real tearjerker but a fabulous movie. Cathy, I love the cover.

Rachael B. said...

I love The Lucky One! Thanks for the chance to enter. I love your books!

Kim said...

Catherine is one of those authors I've always wanted to read, but never got around to. I love that she rescues and fosters dogs.

cheryl c said...

I really enjoy second chance stories in fiction and in real life.

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh this sounds like such a wonderful beginning to a series! That cover makes me smile. :) Definitely putting this on my TBR.

Jami Birnbaum said...

Love your Top 5 Military Movies. I would have picked those, too!. Your new series sounds great... can't wait to read Shelter Me.

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