
Interview with Author Mary Wine and Giveaway

Acclaimed author Mary Wine has written over 30 works of erotic fantasy, romantic suspense, and historical romance. An avid history-buff and historical costumer, she and her family enjoy participating in historical reenactments. Mary lives with her husband and two sons in Yorba Linda, California.

Find Mary at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I take orders from a parrot and listen to the voices in my head….er…what I meant to say was that I am a writer and my imagination is full of characters that I’m egger to get written down. I work from a home office and my parrot, Ginger, she keeps an eye on me throughout the day. She is an Umbrella Cockatoo and just two years old.

Did you always want to be a writer?
According to my Mother, I’ve been telling tall tales since I learned to talk! However, I think I have always wanted to be a writer. It took a long time to build up the confidence to try my hand at it. When I was growing up, my parents tried to guide me toward more established career choices, like good parents should. But I’ve always had stories churning in my head. I hear a song on the radio and there’s another world forming as I’m going down the road. So, I’m where I should be.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
A little of both. I really do put together an outline and sometimes, the book I finish even resembles that outline. On other occasions….let’s just say…my Muse had her way.

Where do your ideas come from?
With my historicals, often from watching documentaries. I know, dry material but I’ll be watching one of those History channel specials and I’ll think…Hey, there were people living through this. And they had all the same hopes and desires that I do. Here comes the story….’I wonder what they would have done if….’….

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Nareen is determined to forget the way Sear’s touch made her breathless, Sear McLeod is determined to make sure she can’t. The Highlander’s Bride Trouble by Mary Wine.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
All different sorts. I adore well crafted tales. Of course I love romance, like Sylvia Day. I cut my teeth on Beatrice Small and her Skye O’Malley saga. I enjoy Lora Leigh and Lucy Monroe. I do return to the classics too. I just finished reading ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird.’ I never read it in school, so when my son received it as an assignment, I read it too so we could discuss it.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Some of my all time favorites are ‘Skye O’Malley’, ‘The Kadin’, ‘Bared to You’,

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Depends on the book.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Sylvia Day, This woman believed enough in her own work to self-publish it. Beatrice Small, I have a great respect for her, she wrote romance when it wasn’t cool. Lucy Monroe, quite possibly one of the finest people on this earth.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m fortunate enough to have a wonderful editor who believes in me. I am working on a Rock band romance right now under my other name of Dawn Ryder. She my naughty inner child. After that, I have an all new Scottish book to dive into.

**Please provide a question to ask blog followers. **

What is my next book release after ‘the Highlanders Bride Trouble?’ Answer can be found at

Her clan is in chaos...

Raised by her father and brother, Nareen Grant is strong, confident, well-educated—and skilled with a bow and dagger. It’s a tumultuous time for Scotland, and events conspire against her. Betrayed by her family, she makes her way alone, until she lands in the lap of Saer MacLeod. But she wants no help from a savage man of the Isles.

And rivalries are deadlier than ever.

Raised on the rugged Scottish Isles, Saer MacLeod is considered fierce even by Highlander standards. He’s enchanted by the independent and headstrong Nareen. But when an old feud endangers her life, Saer’s fascination with her escalates into a ferocious desire to protect her… and claim her for himself.

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He reached out and stroked her cheek. “’Tis a sad thing to see how hard yer feelings are. But there is naught more to fear, she’ll nae have the opportunity to inflict such ills again.”

Nareen jerked away from the contact. She even took a swipe at his hand, but he moved faster, withdrawing in time to avoid being struck. Someone chuckled from where his men clustered near the fires, but Saer was watching her from narrowed eyes.

“I am nae afraid of anything,” she assured him.

“Is that so?” Saer inquired in a silky-smooth tone.

Nareen nodded. Satisfaction began to fill her, but it was cut short as he reached out and stroked her face again. She jumped, completely unable to control her reaction.

“Ye are making sport of me in front of yer men, like a savage.”

His eyes glittered, but it wasn’t with the outrage Nareen had intended to provoke. Instead, there was an unmistakable pleased looked in those dark orbs.

“I am a savage, Nareen.” He stepped forward, placing himself within touching range again. “I do nae let words stand alone. If ye truly have no interest in me, there is no reason to avoid me touch. Stand steady and prove ye are nae moved. I have no taste for a frigid woman.”

She laughed at him but stepped back again. “Then it seems we have a common ground, for I crave no man’s touch.”

His lips thinned. “Now that is something ye shall have to prove as well.”

“I will nae. Me word should be enough on the matter, if ye truly are me brother’s friend.” She didn’t care to hide behind her brother’s name, but the circumstances offered her few alternatives.

“As ye noted, I am a savage, and I always demand proof before I believe.”

This time, she was ready when he reached for her cheek. She stepped aside, avoiding him. She was just beginning to smile with her victory when he closed his hand around her wrist. He really was huge. His fingers closed easily around her smaller wrist, clasping it in an iron grip. She braced herself for pain, but there was none, only a secure hold that defied her attempt to break it.

“Release me.” Her voice had risen, and she shut her mouth before revealing any more of her unsettled state.

“Prove ye are unmoved, lass, and I shall be content to accept yer dismissal.” His tone had deepened, becoming something hypnotic.

“I am irritated.” And remaining still was proving too difficult. She twisted her hand, trying to break his hold again.

“Aye, ye are that.” He lifted her hand to his face and pressed a kiss on the delicate skin of her inner wrist. She shuddered, the touch intensely intimate. She’d never realized her skin might be so sensitive. The simple touch of his lips unleashed a bolt of sensation that shook her all the way down to her toes. His eyes filled with satisfaction.

“But ye are also affected.”

He released her, and she stumbled back a pace because she’d been resisting his hold so greatly. Laughter erupted from his men. Saer stiffened, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

“What?” she said. “Are ye trying to impress me by controlling yerself now that ye see yer men are enjoying the sport ye are making of me?”

“Aye, I am,” he answered darkly. “I am nae the one who chose this setting for our meeting, Nareen. Ye should nae have refused to see me again at court. That left me no choice but to chase ye.”

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of The Highlanders Bride Trouble

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Mary's question: What is my next book release after ‘the Highlanders Bride Trouble?’
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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sheryl said...

Great interview. Mary is a new author for me and I can't wait to start reading more. The next book is Dream Shard

Anonymous said...

I love Highlander books, and this one sounds great! Thank you for the giveaway and fingers crossed for luck. :-)

I look forward to your next book, too – Dream Shard.

cheryl c said...

This book sounds great. I love Highlander romances.

Next book up is Dream Shard.

Cheryl R said...

The next book will be Dream Shard.

Anita Yancey said...

On her site it has Dream Shard as her next release. Thanks for having the giveaway.

Betty Hamilton said...

Dream Shard is the next release!!

Sue G. said...

Next release is Dream Shard on August 12th.

erin said...

Dream Shard :) Thanks for the fun interview!

jennifer.essad said...

is it Dream Shard? interesting title

Anonymous said...

Dream Shard is the next book out, Aug. 12th.

Marcy Shuler

Barbara E. said...

The next book to be released is Dream Shard (Dream Series Book 2).

Anonymous said...

Dream Shard! Although I am a perfect sucker for any book about the Scottish Highlands!

Cathy P said...

Dream Shard is your next book. You are a new author for me. I love books about Highlanders. Thanks for the giveaway!

MsAwesome said...

DREAM SHARD book 2 of the Dream Series. I love Highlanders so thank you for the lovely interview and excerpt =D

bn100 said...

Dream Shard

jmcgaugh said...

Dream Shard is your next release.

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