
ARC Review: Melt for Him by Lauren Blakely

I am a huge fan of Lauren Blakely. She always delivers a sweet and sexy story, and draws me in with her amazing characters. I couldn't wait to read about this sexy firefighter and bar owner, and he definitely didn't disappoint. This was a fun and quick read, and just proved why I love Lauren's books so much.

Megan Jansen just got out of a bad relationship and is heading back to her hometown for a short time. She is house-sitting for her mom and is helping her brother out by photographing his coworkers for a calendar for their fire station. On her first night in town, she meets the sexy Becker Thomas and the two of them instantly connect. But the next day when they find out who they both really are things get very complicated. Becker doesn't want to hurt his friendship with Megan's brother Travis and Megan doesn't date firefighters. But these two can't help the pull they feel to each other and as hard as they try they just can't stay away from one another. But with Megan set to leave town and Becker struggling with his feelings for her, can they find a way to make it out without getting their hearts broken or hurting Becker's friendship with Travis?

I really liked Becker. He was sweet and sexy, and I really loved how smart he was. He was so much more than just a firefighter and bar owner, and I thought he was the perfect match for Megan. I loved that he did crossword puzzles in pen, and that he knew exactly how to respond to Megan with their banter. These two could not have been more perfect for one another. Megan was feisty and fun, and I really enjoyed reading about her. She was quirky and I loved it. She had a great sense of humor and just fit with Becker. These two connected on a physical level from the start, but they also just had this great bond between them that was so natural. They were both struggling with the pain and feelings from experiencing loss, and had been dealing with it alone for so long. But they were able to lean on each other and support one another to where they could finally both heal and move forward with their lives. I liked that they were able to really talk to one another from the start, and I think it was their openness that really made their relationship work so well and seem so real to me.

Overall, I thought that this was a great read. I was able to get lost in the story, and it was really entertaining. I thought it was fun and cute, and I enjoyed the playful times between Becker and Megan. But I thought that it also had the steam and sexiness to keep you turning the pages. While this book wasn't overly emotional, it did have its tender moments and I think it was a really great balance of everything that a reader looks for in a good romance story. I would highly recommend any of Lauren's books, and Melt for Him is no exception. While this book is the second in the series, this can easily be read as a standalone with interconnected characters. I love how Lauren is always able to weave her stories together, and it is always so much fun to see how characters from other books of hers make their way into other stories by her. I can't wait to read more from Lauren Blakely and I always look forward to her next release.

**ARC Provided by Entangled Publishing**

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