
ARC Review: Temptation by Robin Covington

Temptation was a book I was very interested in reading. The book cover alone had me intrigued from the beginning. Everyone fantasizes about meeting a celebrity and falling in love. Who wouldn't want that?

I must say Max was very sexy. He's everything you would imagine a hot firefighter being. The way he handled Kit and took care of her is just what you would expect from a hot fireman. I couldn't believe how he went from being so close-minded about relationships to being completely committed to Kit in such a short amount of time. Their connection was undeniable, but I just couldn't understand how he was against a serious commitment one minute and the next he couldn't live without her.

As far as Kit goes, she was a bit boring for a celebrity. She came with a good amount of drama as far as her mother and her career were concerned but I just couldn't get into her character. The only time I really liked her was when she was with Max. Their chemistry was unbelievably hot and I found myself wishing they would get back together just for the sex.

The ending of the book was not my favorite. It felt rushed and chaotic. Maybe it would have been better had the last chapter not been as long as it was but it was just too much to take in.

I don't know exactly what it was that left me feeling a bit unsatisfied but I just feel like there was a hole in the story. The sex scenes were amazing but the desire was not fulfilled. All in all, the book was good it just missed in some areas that I think could have made the book that much better. I will definitely be looking forward to reading more from this author as this book left me craving just a little bit more.

**ARC provided by Author**

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