
Guest Post with Author Ellie Macdonald and Giveaway

Ellie Macdonald has held several jobs beginning with the letter t: taxi-driver, telemarketer and most recently, teacher. She is thankful her interests have shifted to writing instead of taxidermy or tornado chasing. Having travelled to five different continents, she has swum with elephants, scuba dived coral mazes, visited a leper colony and climbed waterfalls and windmills, but her favorite place remains Regency England. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada. The Governess Club series is her first published work.

Places to find Ellie:
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5 Random Facts About Louisa

1. This story took the shortest time to write: less than three months from brainstorming to submitting it to my editor.

2. Louisa took over the story – she did and said things in it that I had no idea would ever happen!

3. Trying to find information on roofing techniques in the Regency era was really difficult. After a discussion with my father who sells home renovations and improvements, I made educated guesses about the technique and materials used.

4. My favorite scene is when they are in disguise, going to the Rose and Crown. That was one of the unplanned scenes that Louisa created. Side note: The Rose and Crown is an actual pub chain in England and is no relation to the one in my book.

5. John is the innkeeper of the Beefy Buzzard. This is a reflection of himself: he is bald and a large, muscular man, a ‘beefcake’ if you will. But he doesn’t hover around carcasses, looking for food.

Louisa Brockhurst is on the run - from her friends, from her family, even from her dream of independence through The Governess Club. But sometimes it’s easier for her to hide from those she loves in order to escape the secrets of her past.

Handsome but menacing John Taylor is a former prize-fighter turned inn-keeper who is trying to make his way in society. When Louisa shows up at his doorstep he’s quick to accept her offer to help - at a price. He knows that she’s hiding something and he can’t help his protective instincts around the beautiful woman.

Their attraction grows, but will headstrong, fiery Louisa ever trust the surprisingly kind John enough to tell him the dangerous secrets from her past that keep her running? Or will the power of her feelings scare her into running yet again?

Pre-Order: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 eBook copies of Claire & Bonnie

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Elli.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Ellie Macdonald & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Gretchen said...

Without having read them first, I don't know!

Glenda said...

I'm with Gretchen. It's hard to choose not having read more about them. :-)

Sandy Kenny said...

Can I have both?? I'm kind of greedy that way! ;)

Em said...

Not sure but I usually like the broody pirze fighters

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

lorimeehan said...

I've not read them yet do I can't answer that question. The books look good. Put the series on my TBR pile.

Jan Hougland said...

John Taylor, the former prize-fighter turned inn-keeper! I do love a tough but honorable man. :-) You are a new-to-me author, Ellie, so I've not yet anything you've written...yet! I'm going to get one of your books on Amazon today. Thanks to Ramblings from this Chick for the introduction to you and your writing.

Jan Hougland said...

I forgot to say: I LOVE Regency Romance! So, Ellie, I think you and I will become friends. :-)

sheryl said...

Not sure, but I like the idea of both.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, how to choose? One is reclusive and one is the total opposite. OK, I think I would go for the recluse, because there are times when I just need some quiet space and you would never get that from an inn keeper.

jmcgaugh said...

Just based on your description, I'd say Nathan, but you never know until you get to know someone.

Unknown said...

I'd go with handsome, but menacing.

MsAwesome said...

Honestly, and I'm glad he's left the pugilistic lifestyle, I do not like "prize-fighting" anymore. There is too much violence in real life to make a spectacle out of it . I'm sure he'll be able to win her heart but I'd have to get to know the man before I can make up my mind :)

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