
ARC Review: Echoes of Scotland Street by Samantha Young

Echoes of Scotland Street is the fifth book in Samantha Young's On Dublin Street series, and is the story of Cole Walker and Shannon MacLeod. I really enjoyed this book and could not have loved Cole more. He was amazing, and I could not get enough of his character. I did have a few issues with Shannon though, and that is why I couldn't give this one five stars. But I am really excited to see what is in store for Shannon's brother Logan next.

Shannon has always had bad luck with men, but her last boyfriend was the worst. He hurt her in unimaginable ways and also hurt her family. After having her world shattered, Shannon decides to start over and do away with bad boys for good. When she returns to the place that she once found comfort in, she ends up homeless and jobless until she stumbles upon a job at a tattoo shop. There one of the employees Rae also offers her a place to live. But when Shannon comes face to face with her boss, he also happens to be Cole the one guy she regrets walking away from years before. Cole is determined to get to know the girl that he once met years ago, but Shannon continues to push him away thinking that he is just another charming bad boy. But as Shannon gets to know Cole better, she starts to realize that she was wrong about Cole and thinks it might be time to give him a chance. But with Shannon's past, can Cole win her trust and have a real shot at a future with her?

I absolutely adored Cole. He could not have been more perfect. He was sweet and kind, and really determined when it came to winning Shannon's trust. He gave her so many chances, and was able to easily forgive her when she made countless mistakes. I loved his ability to see beyond the front that she put up, and he was the only one able to truly bring down her walls. He was great for her, and it was clear that he was exactly what she had needed. Shannon was hard for me to like though, and I never was able to fully warm up to her. She was judgmental and made a lot of assumptions, often assuming the worst in people. She had no reason to think what she did about Cole, and she repeatedly thought the worst of him. I hated that she constantly took one step forward and two steps back. Cole didn't deserve everything that she put him through and honestly I felt he deserved better. I thought that they had chemistry and I liked that they had met as teenagers, but I really thought that Cole was far better for Shannon than she was for him.

My other big issue with this book is that the secondary characters sort of took over the story a lot of the time, and I found myself finding it hard to care about Cole and Shannon's relationship because of it. It was great to get glimpses of the previous characters and to meet some new ones, and I really loved Cole and Shannon's relationships with the friends they worked with. But I just felt like it focused too much on others, and I really just found it hard to keep all of the characters straight while also trying to get over Shannon's many issues. I think that Cole definitely made this book worth the read, and I really wanted to see Shannon turn things around and win me over. Unfortunately I just never was able to really find any common ground with her, and I thought that her character was weak and unlikable. I am curious about her brother's book next though, and I look forward to seeing what happens for him after everything he has been through.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Berkley/Signet**

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