
ARC Review: Promise Me This by Christina Lee

Promise Me This is the fourth book in Christina Lee's Between Breaths series of standalones. This story features Nate and Jessie, and I really enjoyed this one. I liked Nate and Jessie a lot, and I thought that they were such an interesting couple because they were so different. This series is one that I have really enjoyed, and I think that NA fans will really like these books.

Nate doesn't do relationships. He only does casual and had developed a reputation of not only being a playboy, but of also never kissing those that he is with. Nate's childhood and family life has left him feeling as though he doesn't deserve to have the girl he really wants because he is afraid that he is too much like his abusive father. Not only does he believe he isn't worthy, but Nate isn't the type of guy that Jessie usually goes for. Jessie knows that Nate is a horn dog that can't keep it in his pants, but the two of them have developed a strong friendship until suddenly when Jessie catches him with a girl she starts to see him in a different light. When Jessie's feelings begin to change for Nate, she asks him to help her out with a school project and the two grow even closer. When the attraction the both feel explodes into a passion neither of them have ever felt before they are suddenly left to wonder if they have a chance at a relationship together.

I really liked Nate and Jessie. Jessie was strong and independent, and I loved her no-nonsense personality. She wasn't afraid to be who she was and she was comfortable in her own skin. I liked how secure she was, and I thought that she was exactly what Nate needed. She wasn't afraid to be an open book to him, and I think that helped him so much when dealing with his past. Nate was trying to find an escape through the many girls he was with, but he held back the most intimate parts of himself. He didn't know how to deal with what he had been raised around, and he was terrified of being like his father. I could really tell what a great guy he was though because of his constant fear of becoming that. He wouldn't have been worried if he was anything like his father. Jessie and Nate fit together so well emotionally and they had a really strong connection. But the chemistry between these two was so smoking hot, and I loved that they connected on such a physical level as well. Nate needed someone who could fulfill his desires and show him that his fantasies were fine as long as his partner was willing. Jessie was his perfect match outside the bedroom as well as in it.

Overall, I thought that this was a really great story. I loved the characters, and I loved seeing some of my favorites from the previous stories as well. I think that Nate and Jessie's story might be my favorite one so far, but it is really hard to choose because they are all so good. I really enjoy Christina Lee's writing style and always find it easy to lose myself in her books. My one complaint about this story and the reason for only four stars was that the hot and cold with Nate got a bit old. I understood where he was coming from and that he was struggling, but I also felt like there was enough drama outside of their relationship that it could have ended sooner. I really do recommend this series to all NA fans though, and I love that you can read them in order or as standalones. I think that this series is worth the read though, and would recommend starting at the beginning so you don't miss out on all these great characters. I can't wait to read more from Christina Lee in the future.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Berkley/Signet**

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Sophia Rose said...

I enjoyed this one too and it is my favorite NA Contemporary series. I was just having the discussion the other night about the couples and which book was the favorite. We couldn't come to a consensus b/c we adored them all.

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