
ARC Review: Gage by Tess Oliver

Gage is the first book that I have ever read by Tess Oliver, so I had no idea what to expect with this story. While Gage is a part of the Barringer Brothers series, it can easily be read as a standalone. I was really intrigued with this book because I have never read a story about a logger before. I thought that this one had some good moments and was pretty enjoyable.

Gage is looking for a change after nearly losing a friend in a horrible logging accident. When the owner of the Raven's Nest dies, Gage views it as the perfect time to buy the restaurant and change his life. But when the owner's granddaughter Summer decides to keep it and run it herself, Gage hopes that the Montana weather will be too much for the California girl to handle. But Summer is determined to start living her life for herself after constantly listening to what others want. Summer and Gage find themselves getting to know one another after a rough start, and soon they are unable to fight the attraction between them 

 liked Gage and Summer. They were easy to relate to and were real. I liked that there wasn't a ton of drama between them, despite getting off on the wrong foot originally. Summer was able to apologize and forgive others when needed and she just seemed to be pretty laid back. Gage was protective and sexy without being a jerk. These two had a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed seeing the attraction between them.

Overall, I thought that Gage and Summer were really great together and their story was sweet. This book started out pretty slow though, and it didn't always hold my interest. There were parts of the book that I felt like had a tendency to drag, and I found myself wanting to skim. I also felt like although there wasn't much drama between Summer and Gage, there seemed to be a ton of drama and accidents surrounding them. But I did enjoy this book and I liked the characters. I am interested in reading more from Tess Oliver and also going back and reading the other books in this series.

**ARC Provided by Book Plug Promotions**

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Suus said...

Great review, very helpful!

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