
ARC Review: Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross

Fantastic! I was glued to my kindle all day. I loved everything about this story and if all of Julie Cross's books are this good I've definitely been missing out. I'm not even a baseball fan but this made me want to turn on a game and watch, especially if there are hottie pitchers like Jason Brody playing.

I really enjoyed Whatever Life Throws at You and found it hard to put down. It took me a few pages to get into the story but once I was in I was hooked. Seriously, I couldn't stop reading. I loved Jason Brody and Annie. I thought they were so damn adorable but not only that, they had great chemistry together. I was rooting for these two pretty much from the beginning and when they finally came had their "moment" I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face. Brody and Annie were cute and charming but I just loved they way they were with each other. They were each other's support system and I loved that they just seemed to click and that they brought out the best in one another.

What I really loved about this book is that is was just an all-around great book. It had dept and emotion but at the same time it was witty and sexy. I fell in love with this world that Julie Cross created and the characters that graced the pages. I can't wait to get my hands on more from Julie Cross and I hope that we get to see more of this world that she has created. I highly recommend this one especially if you are a baseball fan. But even if you're not, don't miss this one. It's really good!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Sophia Rose said...

I enjoyed these two together too.

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