
Fall into Romance Event with Sally Clements

Sally Clements writes fun, sexy and real contemporary romance, partnering hot heroes with heroines who know what they want, and go for it! She is a full-time author, who lives in the Irish countryside, and when she isn’t writing can usually be found in traffic, driving ‘Mum’s taxi’. She’s a hybrid author, who writes for Entangled Publishing and also self-publishes—to get an email when she has a new book out, just sign up for her newsletter -

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I live in Ireland, where Fall is called Autumn, and the season begins and on different dates than the rest of the northern hemisphere, because we use the Gaelic calendar, which is based on the hours of daylight and the strength of the midday sun. In the rest of the northern hemisphere, Fall starts on the autumn equinox (around 22 September) and ends on the winter solstice (around 21 December), but in Ireland Fall covers the months of August, September and October. The original Irish word for the season is "Fómhar" (Harvest). Winter covers November, December and January.

I think Fall is a romantic season—my book Racing the Hunter’s Moon is set in early October, when the Hunter’s Moon is in the sky, a month after the Harvest Moon. The hot, humid days of summer have faded, and the bite of winter has yet to grip the earth. It’s a season of taking stock, of changing fall colors in trees. Nature plays a big part in all of the stories in my Under the Hood series, and in Racing the Hunter’s Moon, the location for the romance is outside: my couple are on a vintage car rally in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Fall. It’s the perfect location, and the perfect season to fall in love!

Pretending to be a couple may drive them crazy.

Feisty mechanic Betty Smith should have only one thing on her mind—catching the conman who swindled her mother. Not the sexy stranger who kissed her then completely disappeared.

Undercover FBI agent Joe Carter needs to focus on the bad guy who got away, not the gorgeous headstrong brunette who watches too many cop shows and keeps interfering in his case. Unfortunately, catching their prey before he skips town means working together.

But while entering the vintage car rally as a couple seemed like a good idea at the time, faking feelings for each other turns out to be the easiest part. Neither one can allow anything to get in their way, but staying away from each other is impossible. They both know, though, once their plan is complete, so is their time together.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Under the Hood + Love for Beginners

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sally Clements for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kathleen O said...

This sounds like a book I need on my tbr shelf.

Sue G. said...

Ooh, I love car rally's. How fun. Thanks!

erin said...

looks and sounds fun ;) Congrats to sally on the new release!

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Sally! Sounds like a fun read; can't wait to read it!

Mary Preston said...

Thank you for the interesting info.

MrsMac19 said...

I'm really enjoying this Entangled imprint and these two look great! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Ada said...

Your book sounds great, adding it to my TBR list! Thanks Sally!

Anita H. said...

Thanks for the interesting Fall/Autumn facts from Ireland! I would totally love to visit Ireland one day! :)

Sharlene said...

This sounds like a great series!

Filia Oktarina said...

Looks sweet read. Looing forward to read this series

Sally Clements said...

Thanks for entering and commenting, everyone!

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