
Interview with Author Christina Lee and Giveaway

Meet Christina Lee, author of Promise Me This.

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son--her two favorite guys. She's addicted to lip gloss, salted caramel everything, and believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

Find Christina at:

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Nate constructs his own dating rules because he's terrified of his dark side, but wild & sweet Jessie comes along to help him see the light.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
The build up to the first kiss. It’s all in the look, the touch, the dialogue. ;-)

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Oh geez, talk about so hard! I’m going to go with books/authors that inspired me in in my younger years:
Paulo Coehlo--because I have so many earmarked pages of The Alchemist, life lessons abound!
Jaqueline Mitchard--Because The Deep End of the Ocean was the first book that truly gutted me.
Wally Lamb--because I Know This Much is True was the first male POV book that I identified with so deeply, I read it three times.

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
Anything that has a romance base or even sub-plot, because love makes the world go round. *WINK*

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
My first adult contemporary romance, TWO OF HEARTS, releases in 2015. And stay tuned for news about the Between Breaths series.

Who was the last romance hero you swooned over?

A new love will test the boundaries of passion between a privileged boy next door and the tattooed, blue-haired girl who helps him embrace his wild side...

Nate has developed quite a playboy reputation around campus. It's not that he doesn't respect or trust women; he doesn't trust himself. The men in Nate’s family are prone to abusive behavior—a dirty secret that Nate’s been running from his entire life—so Nate doesn't do relationships. But he can’t help himself around one girl…

Jessie is strong, independent, and works at a tattoo parlor. Nate can’t resist getting close to her, even if it’s strictly a friendship. But it doesn't take long for Nate to admit that what he wants with Jessie is more than just friendly.

With Jessie, he can be himself and explore what he’s always felt was a terrifying darkness inside him. Even when Nate begins to crave her in a way that both shocks and horrifies him, Jessie still wants to know every part of him. Testing their boundaries together will take a trust that could render them inseparable… or tear them apart.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 10 copies of All of You + Before You Break

To Enter: 
  • Who was the last romance hero you swooned over?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Christina! Thanks for posting here today. You are new to me, but I really like the sound of your newest release. I'm glad that you posted here today--this is one of my favorite places to find new (to me, that is!) authors! Have an awesome weekend!

Sandy Kenny said...

Oh, to answer your question about who I last swooned over....I am currently swooning over Kristan Higgins's latest hero in her newest release, "In Your Dreams"...and Jack Holland is definitely a hottie who is worth swooning over!

Anonymous said...

Edward "Easy" Cantrell from HARD TO HOLD ON TO by Laura Kaye.

Marcy Shuler

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