
ARC Review: He's No Prince Charming by Elle Daniels

I really enjoyed this one. It's been awhile since I've picked up a historical novel and when I came across an excerpt for this book, I was hooked. I immediately picked up a copy and began reading. I loved it! It embodied everything that I love in a historical- sexual tension, brooding hero and a happy ending.

I loved the chemistry between Marcus and Danielle. The sparks between these two were instant and I quickly found myself turning the pages in anticipation of when these two would finally succumb to their attraction. And believe me, when they do come together, it's explosive!

Marcus was everything that I love in a broody hero. I just wanted to give him a hug and let him know that things would be alright. He's both physically and emotionally scarred from a traumatic childhood and at times my heart just broke for him. He doesn't think he's worthy of anyone else's love and has closed himself off from everyone. All he wants to do is save his sister from a disastrous marriage and he'll do whatever he must to do so.

As for Danielle, I really liked the way she was with Marcus. I will admit that there were times that she kind of annoyed me because she wasn't honest with him and that would have saved them both some heartache and frustration but overall I really liked her. One thing that I liked most about her (besides her name, LOL) is that she truly sees Marcus for the man he is. She's not superficial and she truly does come to love and care for Marcus.

As I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more from Elle Daniels. This was a terrific debut that I just couldn't put down and it left me itching for more.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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booknerd said...

oh! I'm adding this to my list!

RFTC Blog said...

=) I think you'll like it. I can't wait to read the next one.

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