
Review: Nice Girl To Love: The Complete Collection by Violet Duke

Nice Girl to Love: The Complete Collection by Violet Duke contains the first three novels in the series that feature Abby. This collection contains Resisting the Bad Boy (#1), Falling For the Good Guy (#2) and Choosing the Right Man (#3). I really enjoyed reading each of these books, and it was so nice to have them all at the same time as a part of a set. I couldn't wait to read the next book after both the first and second stories, so it was really great to have them all bundled together. I am really enjoying this series and I can't wait to read more in this series about the other characters.

In the first book, Abby is working on completing her PhD all while helping her best friend Brian care for his daughter. Brian lost his wife when their daughter was a baby and has been leaning on his brother Connor and Abby ever since. Abby is looking for something to shake up her nice girl world, and Connor offers himself as exactly what she needs to do it. Connor never does anything more than one month with a girl, so it seems like the perfect way for her to get what she is looking for. But soon they are both starting to feel more than they expected, and they both begin to wonder if there is something more between them. In the second book, Brian begins to realize that his feelings for Abby go beyond friendship. He is finally ready to move past losing his wife, and he knows that what is between him and Abby could be so much more. Abby has never allowed herself to view him as anything other than a friend though, and isn't sure if they are just friends or could be more. In the third book, Abby must make her choice between her best friend that she is comfortable with and has a familiar relationship to build on and the former bad boy looking to start a life with her.

I liked Connor a lot. I thought that he was great. He was honest and up front with Abby, and he just seemed to be genuine. He was so good for Abby, and I liked the way he got her to loosen up and have some adventure in her life. She was good for him as well, and I liked that they were able to banter back and forth so easily. Things were just so natural between them. They were both smart and witty, and I enjoyed seeing the tension between them give way to the passion that they both felt. Abby was so easy to like. She was normal and down-to-earth and I liked that she wasn't into a bunch of drama like so many of the heroines you see in contemporaries. She was great with Connor and I thought that they fit together perfectly. While I liked Brian a lot and I felt for him after everything he had been through, I never thought that he was the man for Abby. What they had was comfortable and familiar, but it was also friendly. They were great friends and had always been there for each other for support and to lean on, but I just never felt anything but a friends vibe between these two. I didn't feel like they had the passion or chemistry that Abby and Connor did. Connor and Abby had it all in my opinion, and the emotional connection as well as the chemistry is what made them perfect for one another to me.

Overall, I really enjoyed these stories. They were short and light reads, and I found myself getting lost in the story. I loved the characters and thought that they were all so real and believable. These books were ones that were so easy to just relax with, and I found myself really liking Violet Duke's writing style. I thought that she did a great job telling the story and showing depth with each character. I won't say how things turned out and spoil it, but I am looking forward to the next book in the series now that I know who Abby chose. I can't wait to see what else she has in store for this series, and I definitely recommend this one to those who enjoy contemporary romance books. I think this series is one that readers will enjoy and that they will find the characters easy to relate to.

**Review Copy Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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Suus said...

Great review and this collection looks really nice!

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