
ARC Review: Slay by Nina Levine

Slay is the fourth book in the Storm MC Series by Nina Levine and while this one can be read as a standalone with interconnected characters, the overall story continues from one book to the next. I hadn't read the previous books at the time I read this story though, and I had no problems understanding anything. I do think that it would have been nice to know some of the secondary characters though, and I will definitely be going back and reading the previous books in the series. 

Donovan "Blade" Brookes hasn't had an easy life, and his past haunts him. He grew up with a father that treated his mother and him horribly and he lost his fiance in one of the worst ways imaginable. Just trying to get by, Blade goes to the same bar almost every night and ends up meeting the owner Layla. He helps her out when she needs it, and soon they are both wanting to act on the attraction they feel. The more they get to know one another, the stronger their connection becomes. Both of them begin to realize that the connection they share is unlike anything they have felt before. But both Blade and Layla have a lot they are dealing with that could end things before they really begin.

I liked Blade a lot. He was honest and didn't play games. He didn't make excuses for his actions and he always tried to do the best by the women in his life. He was a good guy that had a rough start, but I was really glad to see that it didn't change him into a total jerk. He was vulnerable after losing his fiance, and he was struggling so much with everything that had happened. But Layla was exactly what he needed, and I loved seeing her be so supportive and encouraging. Layla was a great heroine! She was strong and independent, and I really liked seeing such a kick-ass heroine. She could hold her own, and wasn't afraid to stand up to those that needed it. She also had such a kind and sweet side, and I loved how accepting she was. She took Blade as he was and helped him move forward with his life without judging him. These two were perfect for one another, and I cannot tell you how happy that the drama in this book was surrounding them rather than in their relationship itself. It was nice to see two characters be able to really accept their feelings and not try to fight it too hard or run away scared. These two were super hot together, and I loved Blade's alpha personality. But I loved the connection they shared and I think that is a lot of what made these two burn so bright for me.

Overall, this was a really good story. I loved the characters and enjoyed seeing them fall for one another. I do think that this book ended a bit abruptly though, and that is the reason that this one wasn't a full five stars for me. Even with the epilogue, I just felt like it had stopped too soon. But beyond that, I really liked this one. I can't wait to read more in this series though, and I would definitely recommend this one. I think if you like MC books this is definitely a series you should check out. What really made me love this one was the fact that there was no cheating. It's not often you come across an MC book with no cheating, so this one was very refreshing for me. I look forward to more from Nina Levine in the future.

**ARC Provided by Book Empire Promotions**

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Sophia Rose said...

This does sound good and I'm glad it can be read out of order. It's hard when you see a good one and its several books into a series. Thanks for sharing!

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