
Feature and Giveaway: Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover by Sarah MacLean

By day, she is Lady Georgiana, sister to a duke, ruined before her first season in the worst kind of scandal. But the truth is far more shocking-in London’s darkest corners, she is Chase, the mysterious, unknown founder of the city’s most legendary gaming hell. For years, her double identity has gone undiscovered...until now.

Brilliant, driven, handsome-as-sin Duncan West is intrigued by the beautiful, ruined woman who is somehow connected to a world of darkness and sin. He knows she is more than she seems and he vows to uncover all of Georgiana’s secrets, laying bare her past, threatening her present, and risking all she holds dear...including her heart.

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Check out the Rules of the Scoundrels series:

When she looked back on the events of her twenty-seventh year of life, Georgiana Pearson would point to the cartoon as the thing that started it all.
The damn cartoon.

Had it been placed in The Scandal Sheet a year earlier, or five years earlier, or a half dozen years later, she might not have cared. But it had run in London’s most famous gossip rag on March the fifteenth.

Beware the Ides, indeed.

Of course, the cartoon was the result of another date entirely. Two months to the day earlier—January the fifteenth. The day that Georgiana, utterly ruined, unwed mother, walking scandal, and sister to the Duke of Leighton, had decided to take matters in hand and return to Society.

And so she stood here, in the corner of the Worthington ballroom, on the cusp of her reentry into Society, keenly aware of the eyes of all London upon her.
Judging her.

It was not the first ball she’d attended since she was ruined, but it was the first at which she was noticed—the first at which she was not masked, either with fabric or paint. The first at which she was Georgiana Pearson, born a diamond of the first water, devolved into a scandal.

The first at which she was present for her public shaming.

To be clear, Georgiana did not mind her ruination. Indeed, she was a proponent of the state for any number of reasons, not the least of which was this: Once ruined, a lady was no longer expected to stand on ceremony.

Sarah MacLean grew up in Rhode Island, obsessed with historical romance and bemoaning the fact that she was born far too late for her own season. Her love of all things historical helped to earn her degrees from Smith College and Harvard University before she finally set pen to paper and wrote her first book.

Sarah now lives in New York City with her husband, their dog, and a ridiculously large collection of romance novels. She loves to hear from readers.

Find Sarah at:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $50 Gift Card + Print Set of the Rules of Scoundrels Series(Books 1-3)

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sarah MacLean & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jo's Daughter said...

Oh dealing with a scoundrell is always tricky. I believe standing tall and firm, never backing down would be the best way to deal with them.

Karen H said...

Can't wait to read this entire series. I'm one of those who waits to get all the books in hand before reading them all.

joye said...

I have enjoyed your other books so just know I twill enjoy this one too.

Unknown said...

It is hard to deal with scoundrels... and something, the first rule is to be a scoundrel yourself! LOL

Kathleen O said...

Never let a Scoundrel get the upper hand... I can't wait to read this book and I love the cover.

cheryl c said...

Say no and mean it.

Laney4 said...

Let him think he's getting what he wants.

Alina P said...

I love this series!
My rule: bribe them with food(especially sweets) before looking for favours :D

Sandy Kenny said...

Let him think he is getting exactly what he wants...

Kim said...

Show him you're no push-over.

Gretchen said...

Don't take anything they say at face value!

Timitra said...

Act aloof

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Cathy P said...

Play hard to get and tell them no until you actually have their heart.

Anonymous said...

Protect your heart.

Thank you so much for the giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Jan Hougland said...

And here I am again, wishing I already owned this new release of yours, Sarah! But I have this book on my Amazon wish list...and have hinted non-stop to all and sundry, so perhaps someone will give me a GC for my birthday or Christmas so I can purchase a few sought-after books! I like your writing...and this story especially seems "made for me" with your gutsy heroine, Chase. Thanks for the post.

lorimeehan said...

Don't judge a book by his cover.
Love Sarah's books!!!

Sharlene said...

Give as good as you get.

LilMissMolly said...

Never take them seriously!

Bube said...

Be yourself and confident :)

Aleksandra said...

Play hard to get ;)

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