
Review: Profile by J.A. Huss

Profile is the fifth installment in the Social Media series by JA Huss, and somehow she manages to top herself every time! This series is fantastic and I can't recommend it enough. Make sure you start at the beginning as these are not standalones. I love these characters and I am both excited for more, and sad as the ending nears.

After the shocking ending of Status, Profile picks up with Grace's past resurfacing. While Grace is forced to confront her past, she does so differently than the first time. She is a fighter and she will do whatever it takes to survive. Vaughn will stop at nothing to ensure that Grace is safe and prove his love to her. But will they be able to survive her past as well as the truths that are yet to be revealed?

This book had such a different feel than all the rest of the series so far, but I really loved it! There is so much action and intensity this time around, and shockingly there is very little sex. But I actually loved that this one wasn't filled with the steamy stuff, because we really got to see the connection that has formed between Grace and Vaughn. They are so much more than just the sex that they started off as, and their feelings for one another are deep. This part was really all about Grace, and we got to see how she has grown and evolved after everything she has been through. She was so strong and was determined to fight, and I loved her for it. Vaughn was amazing as well, and we really got to see his evolution as well. Gone is the cocky jerk who took what he wanted with little though of anyone else, and in his place is the devoted and committed guy who would do anything for his girl. His love for Grace really showed in this part, and I couldn't have loved him more for it.

This installment really blew my mind, and I think that JA Huss has done a brilliant job of writing Grace and Vaughn's journey. This series is ever changing, and I love every bit of it. It is so different than what it started like with Follow, but yet that is what I love the most. JA Huss is a talented story teller, and I am really impressed with her writing. I have become a huge fan of hers, and I love that she writes her story how she sees it. There are some that won't appreciate the turn that this story has taken, but to me this one just keeps getting better. This series keeps you guessing and I can't stop turning the pages and waiting for the next installment. This serial is a must read, and I know that it definitely won't be the last thing I read from JA Huss. I can't wait to get more of Vaughn and Grace in Home.

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