
A Kiss Between Friends...with Brooklyn Ann and Giveaway

A Kiss Between Friends on Christmas Eve - Brooklyn Ann

A lover of witty Regencies and dark paranormal romance, Brooklyn Ann combines the two in her new vampire series. The former mechanic turned author lives with her family in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.

Find Brooklyn at:

Merry Christmas, everyone! I was assigned the theme, “A kiss between friends.” Unfortunately, I don’t have a scene from any of my books that fits that exactly…. But then I realized that the epilogue of ONE BITE PER NIGHT occurs on Christmas and features a character thinking about a kiss…and a little more.

Not only that, but it leads into my next book, BITE AT FIRST SIGHT, which releases in April.

I hope you enjoy!


Rafael Villar stood in the dark drawing room at Burnrath House, watching the snowfall blanketing the lawn. Warm light glowed from the windows of the neighboring houses where families were dining together and enjoying their exchanged gifts.

Far away in Spain, his mortal family was doing the same. Alejandro, his uncle and maker, should send him a letter soon letting him know if the presents he’d sent arrived on time. The thought of presents made him think of the ones he’d received, the first in centuries. Vincent’s youngling had sent him a magnificent painting of a stormy sea along with a jesting note saying that it reminded her of his temperament.

Anthony, his third in command had gifted him with a tin of Turkish cigars. He’d also received a beautifully illustrated copy of Don Quixote from Lady Rosslyn. Rafe stroked the cover and scowled.

After Ian and Angelica departed, Rafe had enjoyed his new peace at Burnrath House. No more irrepressible duchesses, no more chaperones looking down their noses at him, no more snobbish, mocking whispers and stares from the ton and best of all, no more inconvenient and dangerous involvements with mortals.

Unfortunately, Lady Rosslyn seemed determined to disrupt that peace. He’d received several dinner invitations and she’d even attempted to call upon him twice. Angelica’s friend had harbored a pointed interest in him since their first encounter at Burnrath House. When she noticed his scars she did not regard them with disgust or pity like everyone else. She only studied them with curiosity, an unspoken question in her eyes… eyes as bright blue green as the Mediterranean Sea.

Rafe had rebuffed all of her attempts to further their acquaintance, ignoring her subtle inquiries as to his refusals. He could not tell her that he was the most powerful being in the city. He could not tell her that the longer she remained in his vicinity, the more he wanted to yank out all of the pins restraining her auburn hair to send the coppery mass tumbling over her perfect shoulders before claiming her luscious lips with his. How he longed to plunge his fangs in her throat and taste the very essence of her life.

The front door opened and a blast of winter air cooled his heated fantasy.

“You missed a jolly good party, my lord.” Anthony shook snow from his tousled brown hair. “The champagne flowed and Madam Florence’s girls were in a most generous spirit.”

One glimpse of my face would quickly banish their generosity. Rafe frowned and lit a cigar. “Did you look in on the East End before your revels as I asked?”

His third sobered. “Yes, my lord. There is talk of humans roaming through the cemetery at night, though that seems to have stopped a few weeks ago. I told them to inform you straightaway if they see another one.”

“Do you think they were hunters?” Rafe fought back a growl. His burn scars seemed to flare with fresh pain.

Anthony shrugged. “I am not certain. If they were I’d think they would have made a move by now.”

Rafe shook his head and took a deep draw on his cigar. Between a pertinacious countess and the possibility of vampire hunters skulking in his cemeteries, his reign was not commencing as peacefully as he’d intended.

Want to know how that works out for Rafe? Find out in BITE AT FIRST SIGHT, which releases in April!

Now for the giveaway: Tell me a favorite Christmas Eve tradition and I’ll give one commenter an e-book copy of ONE BITE PER NIGHT!

Her interest is purely scientific

Cassandra Burton wants to study medicine, surgery, healing, and everything related to the human body and its mysteries-and she's willing to rob graves to do it! But a lady can meet dark and dangerous characters lurking around the cemetery. And who could be more fascinating than Rafael Villar, Lord Vampire of London? If she could study his physiology, she could learn so much that would help humans. After all, he's immortal-and Cassandra is now his prisoner...

Until she gets close enough to touch

As if Rafael didn't have enough to worry about, with a rebellion brewing and his allies out of reach, now he's confronted by a beautiful, fearless lady who wants to heal the scars he's born for centuries. He can't keep her, and he can't let her go, and worst of all, he's every bit as intrigued by her as she is by him.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of One Bite Per Night

To Enter: 
  • What is your favorite Christmas Eve tradition?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter for entry.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Brooklyn Ann for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Linda said...

Putting presents under the tree ... & then trying to guess what they are

Jan said...

Sitting in the dining room an having our annual homemade ravioli Christmas Eve dinner. Great story, thank you for sharing.

Karen H said...

I like touring neighborhoods to view the outdoor decorations.

Lisa M said...

My favorite tradition is our Christmas Eve Family and Friends gathering =)

sheryl said...

Making cookies for Santa and visiting family

Beautiful Disaster said...

Opening one gift with the kids and recalling past Christmas memories and playing board games together. We have a family of 8.
Happy Holidays,

Sue G. said...

Every year my hubby and I exchange an ornament after the kids have gone to bed.

Juana said...

We stay home and watch tv/movies.

Sophia Rose said...

Oh, historical paranormal romance stories! I didn't know about these. That excerpt was great. I'm putting this series on the wish list.

We really don't have a Christmas Eve tradition b/c my husband works for UPS and he's always working late getting out the last of the packages for people. I guess that I'm finishing up the gift wrapping and getting our food ready for the big Christmas dinner the next day at his mother's. I do listen to Christmas music or a Christmas movie while I'm working on that.

dstoutholcomb said...

We go to church, come home and eat seafood, then we read A Visit From St. Nicholas before the kids go to bed, then I watch Christmas movies on TCM and finish wrapping.


Brenda Dickson said...

Being with my family for a great chili dinner, candies, cookies and sweet treats galore, love, laughter and an all around great time with the people whom I love the most in the world.

Brooklyn Ann said...

These are all awesome! Thanks for visiting my post!

Jan Hougland said...

Ah, Brooklyn, I really enjoyed the excerpt from One Bite Per Night. I'm a vampire romance fan from way back, starting with Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series, and Christina Dodd's Chosen Ones series. My own daughter started me out on vampire romances! :-) I'm glad to have been introduced to your writing and thanks for participating in this historical holiday romance author tour.

Jan Hougland said...

Forgot to answer the question! My fave Christmas Eve tradition is a ham dinner with family (and friends if no family is available...they all have to travel), and then a candlelight church service with Christmas carols. Doesn't sound like something vampires would want to do, huh? :-) Anyway, happy holidays to you, Brooklyn!

erin said...

In my family, it was opening presents!!! Thanks for such a fun excerpt and congrats on the upcoming release Brooklyn :)

Jen B. said...

We empty our Christmas stockings on Christmas eve. That is always so much fun!

Glenda said...

We do the big family celebration on Christmas Eve so that Christmas day can be more relaxed. :-)

Anonymous said...

We and my daughter's familys get together on Christmas Eve for dinner and gift exchange so they can each enjoy Christmas Day with their children and not have to go visiting.

Bonnie Hilligoss - bonnie at bonnieanddave dot com

Mary Preston said...

We open one gift on Christmas Eve - always fun.

Anonymous said...

We line up the stockings on the couch by age/family groups. They're always way too heavy to hang them and we've done this since I was a child. Then we stuff them once we know the little ones are in bed.

Marcy Shuler

kaisquared said...

Opening one present with the family Christmas Eve.

bn100 said...

don't have any that day

Anonymous said...

The past 10 to 15 years, we have started attending the Christmas Eve service at our church. It is the children's mass and delightful. There is a pageant Half way through with the little ones bahing their way down the cede aisle.

MsAwesome said...

We watched The Grinch with the nephews and also we, the adults, open our presents on Christmas Eve before we have dinner that night so Christmas morning is all about the kids =D

Mindy said...

My personal Christmas Eve tradition is to watch either A Christmas Carol (Alister Simm, please) or The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (animated version - Thurl Ravenscroft's Mr. Grinch song ROCKS!). I leave the Christmas tree lights on all night to say room at the inn and I go to Christmas eve, candlelight services. I sing in the Church choir ;)

Mindy :)

jmcgaugh said...

Even though it's just my husband and me, now, I still fill the stockings for us on Christmas Eve.

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