
Review: On the Record by K.A. Linde

On the Record is the second book in the Record Series by K.A. Linde, and picks up after the events of the first book. These are not standalone novels, and should be read in order. I couldn't wait to read On the Record after finishing Off the Record, and I had to know what would happen next. K.A. Linde always does such a great job of drawing you into a story and then ending with things up in the air. While it is frustrating at times to have all the angst and cliffhangers, I always know that it will be worth it in the end. This series is really good, and I am loving Brady so much.

Liz left Brady after the primary election, knowing that she couldn't have him make an impossible choice between her and his campaign. It broke her heart, but she knew that she believed in him and wanted him to be happy. Now as Liz tries to move forward with her life and with the election coming up, she is forced to think about her future while still dealing with her feelings for Brady. Liz decides to give Hayden a chance after turning him down for months. But when Brady reenters her life, she can't help but feel as though Hayden will never compare to what she had with Brady. Brady has also been seeing someone else though. Can Liz and Brady find their way back to each other, or will they be unable to move forward with one another now that there are more obstacles than ever?

I really love Liz and Brady. I have had a few issues with both of them over the course of the first two books, but I still find them to be likable and I can't help but root for them. Brady wasn't as big of a player in this book, and I really missed him. It seemed to take forever for him to show up, and I was couldn't help but try to rush to the part where I knew he would be back. Brady was a little different in this one, and I really liked it. We not only got to see the sexy and alpha Brady that was used to charming and commanding others, but we also got to see a bit more of his vulnerability. He had been hurt with how things went with Liz, and it was clear that he was just trying to get by and move forward the best he could. Liz drove me a bit nuts at times, and I honestly didn't care for her with Hayden at all. I never felt it between them, despite her having had a crush on him for years. I just always felt as though things were more of a friendship for them, so their relationship left me feeling slightly uncomfortable. They didn't come close to having the same chemistry or passion that Liz and Brady share.

I will say that even though I didn't really care for Liz and Hayden as a couple, that what happened with Hayden in this story didn't really feel right. It felt like his actions weren't really true to his character, but I do understand why it was necessary for Linde to take it where she did. But for me, it just felt out of character for him to have done what he did. I will say that I really enjoyed seeing Liz and Savannah grow closer in this book, and I am really loving Savi. I can't wait to see more of her in the next book, and I would love to get her story as well. I really loved where things were when this book stopped, but I am definitely waiting for more! Brady and Liz are shaping up to be one of my favorite couples, and I cannot wait to see how things play out for them after what happened in On the Record. I highly recommend this series and I think that it is one a lot of readers will really enjoy!

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