
ARC Review: A Barker Family Christmas by Juliana Stone

A Barker Family Christmas is a great catch-up for fans of the Barker Triplets series from Juliana Stone. This novella gives the reader a glimpse into the HEAs of each of the "Twins" and takes place at Christmas time as well as the surprise wedding of Betty Jo and Beau. Things start off with Bobbi and Shane facing some difficulties in their relationship. Billie and Logan are adjusting to life with a small child and little alone time for themselves. While Betty Jo and Beau prepare for their wedding, something has been off with Betty Jo and everyone is beginning to notice. Will everything come together in time for the wedding?

I really enjoyed seeing each of these couples deal with everything that they had going on. Shane and Bobbi were struggling, and the worst part is that Bobbi was hiding from Shane. They needed to just talk and get everything out in the open, and I was so glad when Shane refused to let Bobbi to continue to hide. She needed to hear that he loved her always and that they were supposed to be together no matter what. Logan and Billie were in desperate need of some alone time together, and it was clear that these two had a lot to make up for. They love their family, but sometimes a couple just needs to be able to have a night out. Their evening was far from what they planned, but it ended up working out and being exactly what each of them needed. I really enjoyed seeing Betty Jo and Beau as their wedding approached. I loved her surprise for Beau and I could tell right away what was going on. But I also really enjoyed seeing her friendship with Matt. It was a great part of the story, and really got me interested in seeing what the future holds for him.

Overall, this quick holiday novella was good and I enjoyed spending a little bit of time with the Barkers and their guys. I liked seeing all the secondary characters as well, and thought that this was a great catch'up to this series. I am intrigued by some of these characters and hope that each of them will get their HEAs as well. If you are a fan of this series, you definitely will not want to miss this story. I look forward to reading more from Juliana Stone in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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