
ARC Review: Dirty Secret by Emma Hart

Dirty Secret is the first book in Emma Hart's new Burke Brothers series. I couldn't wait to read this book when I first heard about it, and Emma Hart did not disappoint. This book was so good and I really liked the characters. This was a sweet and moving second chance romance that I didn't want to put down. I honestly cannot wait to read more in this series and I am really looking forward to getting to know the other characters better.

Two and a half years ago Sophie Callahan left Conner Burke behind with no explanation. Though Conner has tried to move forward and get past his broken heart, he has never been able to leave his feelings for Sophie behind. Now home on a break from their band's tour, the last person Conner expects to see is Sophie. Wanting answers, Conner goes to confront Sophie only to find himself face to face with one of the reasons she left. Despite everything that has happened between them, Conner and Sophie still have a lot left unfinished between them. But things are no longer just about them, and Sophie and Conner must figure out how to deal with things between them while also doing what is best for Sophie's daughter Mila.

I really liked both Sophie and Conner. I thought that both of them handled things poorly on more than one occasion, but they were both struggling with how to deal with everything going on. Conner had never known what happened and I felt so badly for him. His feelings for Sophie were so clear as he was never able to move on from her, even with all that she had put him through. But I really loved seeing him embrace his new circumstances, and it just showed what a great guy he was. I was so happy that he never gave up on Sophie, and he could not have loved her more. Sophie had majorly messed up, but she was young and had made a bad decision. What I really loved about her was that she completely owned her actions though, and she did everything that she could to make up for her mistakes. She wanted Conner to see that she knew she had done wrong, and I loved that she went out and tried to make everything right. These two had so much love between them, and it was so clear that they were always meant to be together.

Overall, I thought that this was a great story. It was such a journey for each of these characters and I enjoyed seeing them grow and heal as the story progressed. This was a great start to the series, and I loved all the characters! I can't wait to get to know each of the Burke boys better, and I think that they all have a lot to offer as they are so different from one another. I will say that I thought at times this book seemed to almost go around in circles a bit though, and that is why this one wasn't a five star read for me. I felt like Conner and Sophie kept repeating mistakes and at times I just wanted to tell them to get over themselves and figure things out. But I really enjoyed it and the ending made up for everything that had happened. I would definitely recommend this book, and I can't wait for more from Emma Hart in the future.

**ARC Provided by Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books**

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