
ARC Review: First Position by Melody Grace

When I first heard that Melody Grace was publishing a new sexy romance serial, I couldn't wait to read it. But then I found out that this story was actually her previously published book, With Every Heartbeat, but she has since revised it and added some new material. While I was excited to see what else she had done with the story because I enjoyed it so much the first time, I will admit that I was a bit worried that this was going to be almost exactly the same thing as before. While I didn't notice a ton that was different, I did like the changes for the most part.

When Annalise heads to Rome to try and get a position as a prima ballerina, she knows that this could be her last chance. Her mother had always pushed her, and she needs to focus on her dancing now more than ever. But when her company is out sight seeing, she ends up meeting a handsome street dancer named Raphael. Raphael invites her to a party, and though she knows she should stay away she finds herself unable to turn him down. But when Annalise is almost discovered, things take a turn for the worst and she can't help but be reminded of everything that is at stake.

Annalise and Raphael are the same great characters that I fell in love with the first time around. But with the revamp, Melody Grace has made them sexier than ever. These two continued to steam up the pages with their off the charts chemistry. Raphael knows how to effortlessly move his body as well as how to get the best out of his partner, and I loved seeing him show Annalise how to unlock the passion inside of herself. These two might have met and started things quickly, but it was clear from the beginning that there was something special between them. Annalise and Raphael are only just beginning, and I was really glad that we got to see more of Raphael's POV this time around. Besides the increased steam in this revamped version, that was the biggest difference that I saw. I will say that for me having already read With Every Heartbeat, the ending of this installment didn't kill me as it might have had I not known what happens next. But with this being a serial now, there is a cliffhanger ending to this one. While I liked the changes so far, I will say that I thought that going from a novel to a serial made this one feel a bit disjointed and I lost some of the flow that I felt from the first time around. I still recommend this story though, and I can't wait to see what other changes Melody Grace has in store in the next two installments.

**ARC Provided by Mark My Words Book Publicity**

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