
Caught Under the Mistletoe...with Elise Rome and Giveaway

Caught Under the Mistletoe on Christmas Eve - Elise Rome

Elise Rome has never forgiven Margaret Mitchell for making her fall in love with Scarlett and Rhett in GONE WITH THE WIND then not giving them a happy ending. She likes to think that she makes up for this injustice with each romance novel she writes. When she isn't working, Elise stays busy entertaining her three young children and bribing her husband to do housework.

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When I received my theme for this year, I knew that I wanted to write the unexpected. Maybe I’m the only one, but when I first thought of a couple being caught under the mistletoe, I thought of the hero and heroine being forced into a marriage of convenience that neither of them wants (outwardly! inwardly, of course, we all know they’re happy about it ;)). I hope that you enjoy the surprises in my scene today.

Right now, my plan is for the following scene to be part of a prologue for an upcoming novella in the Unmasked series titled LOVER OF MINE (to follow the first full-length novel, THE SINNING HOUR). I’m including the blurb and pre-order links for THE SINNING HOUR below (please note that I’m not yet certain of the publication date).

Caught Under the Mistletoe on Christmas Eve

He possessed a habit of wanting.

The first time he’d heard her laughter, he’d watched its effect in “the migration”: throughout the drawing room, heads turned, eyes searched, bodies shifted toward her—a ripple of devotion which had amused him as he, too, turned toward the laughter’s source.

The first time he’d seen her, he’d thought her a confection of frills and ribbons, of pink and innocence and wide-eyed delight. He’d dismissed her, as he’d never acquired a particular fondness for sweets.

He’d been accused of the sin of self-indulgence more than once, had admitted to its place among his collection of socially-condoned faults. But what some saw as whimsical plays at power, as his dashing across life’s chess board stroke by impulsive stroke, Hugh Courtenay, Earl of Dearing, considered to be the culmination of plans ruthlessly devised.

He possessed a habit of wanting and, more importantly, of possessing what he wanted. And, since discovering the truth of who she was, he’d never craved anything as much as he craved Miss Evelyn Westwood.

It was this desire which led him from the ballroom ornamented in garland and candlelight, to follow her and her suitor across the hallway and into the gallery draped with shadows.

It was this desire which led him to wait, watching as they conversed in intimate whispers, as she gazed up at the other man with earnest adoration. As they moved closer and closer to the cluster of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling above.

And it was this desire which, upon seeing their eyes begin to shut and her hands reaching toward the man’s shoulders, led Hugh to stroll across the room, spin her toward himself, and kiss her—an act, he planned, of ruination.

A fortnight later, Miss Evelyn Westwood became Evelyn Courtenay, the Countess of Dearing.

It was a kiss he would never regret more.

I adore authors who keep me on my toes. To celebrate one of my favorite historical romance authors who always surprises me in delightful ways, I’m giving away Sherry Thomas’s recent e-book duo: THE HIDDEN BLADE and MY BEAUTIFUL ENEMY (US only, due to geographic restrictions).

She came from the alleyways, adorned by grime and soot…

Simon Astley has no reason to hire Miranda Post as his housemaid. She has no experience, no credible qualifications. She looks and smells better suited to the East End rookeries than to his West End town house. Worse yet, she reminds him of a soul-staining past he’d prefer to forget.

Unfortunately, she also becomes his fascination.

Physically scarred and lost to a life of poverty, Miranda has but one goal: survival. Although she distrusts her new employer’s generosity, she is determined to save herself, to save her father, and to crawl her way out of despair.

Each wants nothing more than to continue their roles of master and housemaid. But one night, in one sinful hour, when everything changes, a sensual battle begins between the corrupt and the innocent, and to win both Simon and Miranda must lay at stake something neither can afford to lose: their hearts.

Read Chapter 1 & 2:


 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of The Hidden Blade & My Beautiful Enemy

To Enter: 
  • US ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter for entry.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Elise Rome for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jan said...

Oh wow, Elise! I can't wait for this story. Nothing I like better than a determined hero bent on 'plans ruthlessly devised.' LOL! Bring it on! Happy Holidays!

Elise Rome said...

=D Thanks, Jan! Glad you enjoyed the scene and happy holidays to you, too!

Unknown said...

Sounds soooo good! Adding to TBR list today!

erin said...

what a great excerpt!!! Thanks for sharing Elise! I can't wait for your next book :) Happy Holidays!

Sophia Rose said...

Oh wow! Yeah, that was pretty impulsive. She is going to rain a storm of scorn on him now.

Thanks for sharing the enticing prologue!

Cathy P said...

Thanks for the great excerpt, Elise! Can't wait to read their story. Happy Holidays!

Jan Hougland said...

OMGosh, Elise! The ending on this excerpt shocked me...and yet made me hunger for more of this tale! Methinks Evelyn will lead Hugh a merry chase . . . Thanks so much for this post!

Unknown said...

Elise, you got me on my toes for more!!!!

Kim said...

Thanks for the story. The cover on your upcoming book is striking.

Confessions of a YA and NA Book Addict said...

Sherry is one of my favorite historical romance writers too!

dstoutholcomb said...

nice teaser


Elise Rome said...

Thank you, everyone! So glad you enjoyed the scene! =)

Barbara E. said...

Lovely story, it was a treat. :D

Beautiful Disaster said...

Thanks for the excerpt. I enjoy your books :)
Happy Holidays,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read.

Glenda said...

Interesting excerpt! So I wonder why he regrets this 'impulsive' act... Thanks!

kaisquared said...

Thank you so much for the excerpt!

Anonymous said...

I have a love/hate relationship with excerpts. On the one hand, they interest you in the book. On the other, I get frustrated when finished because I'm ready for more. :-( Thanks for sharing!!

bn100 said...

Nice teaser

Anonymous said...

Know THE SINNING HOUR will be enjoyable, all of your books have been. They all have a special and unexpected quality.
Sherry Thomas' book look intriguing. Thank you for participating in the giveaway.

Karen H said...

Love the picture of your little brood with Santa on your Facebook page. Glad to see The Sinning Hour will be out soon.

Elise Rome said...

Thank you, ladies! And thank you so much to everyone who visited with me yesterday, and thank you to Dani for hosting! Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!

Sue G. said...

What a fun twist! Happy Holidays!

MsAwesome said...

Ha! Twist indeed. Now I wonder what makes him regret that decision LOL

jmcgaugh said...

Great tease! I'm glad you're writing the book!

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