
ARC Review: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

The Shape of My Heart is the third book in the 2B Trilogy by Ann Aguirre. I have really enjoyed this series so far, and I couldn't wait to get Max's story. This one was really good, and it might even be my favorite. I really liked Max and Courtney together, and this book was really sweet. I definitely recommend this series if you are a NA fan.

Courtney lost the boy she loved when she was seventeen, and since then she has just started to put her life back together. After going to rehab for taking pills just to cope, she is finally doing better and is focused on school. When her best friend and roommate Max asks her to go with him to his grandfather's funeral, she agrees knowing that things between them are about to change. Courtney and Max grow even closer while on the road and out of town, and soon they are both thinking of each other as more than just friends. Though they don't want to risk their friendship, they decide to take the risk and see where things go. Things between them are almost perfect until the real world starts to get in their way. Can Courtney and Max find a way to keep others and life out of their relationship, or will there be too many obstacles between them?

I really liked Max and Courtney. They had both been hurt and weren't the best with relationships. Max had a horrible upbringing and was forced to take care of himself at a very young age. He thought that his family blamed him for a horrible accident and was used to others not caring about him. Courtney had lost her boyfriend and struggled with how to cope and move on. But in each other they found not only friendship but the love that they both craved. I liked how real these two were. They were both just normal people that had been hurt looking for someone to care about them. I thought that they were perfect for one another, and their connection was so deep. These two truly belonged together, and I loved the chemistry and bond between them.

Overall, I loved how this book wrapped things up. Courtney and Max's relationship was probably my favorite of the three books, but I really enjoyed seeing all the characters and how things turned out for them. They were each so different, but yet they were able to build such lasting friendships and relationships. Courtney and Max's story wasn't always easy, and I thought that each of them handled things poorly on more than one occasion. But I really loved seeing these two fall in love and figure out how to support and encourage one another when things got tough. I look forward to more from Ann Aguirre in the future.

**ARC Provided by Harlequin**

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