
ARC Review: Shattered by Love by C.A. Harms

I have been waiting for this book since Max was first introduced. I have loved getting to know the characters of the Scarred by Love series, but there has always just been something about Max. C.A. Harms definitely did not disappoint with this installment in the series, and I honestly loved it. Max was everything I had been waiting for and more. This book was definitely my favorite so far in the series, even though I have really enjoyed each book.

Max has always been cocky and arrogant. He took what he wanted with little regard for anyone but himself. Though he liked Bree, he never committed himself to her and didn't treat her the way she deserved. Finally deciding that enough is enough, Bree sets out to move past what she had with Max. Though she loves him, she wants and deserves more and is tired of hoping for him to return her feelings. But when things suddenly change after a devastating night on the job for Max, he realizes just how badly he has screwed up. Max sets out to win back Bree, knowing that he must do anything he can to prove to her he has changed. But will it be too little too late?

I loved Max! He was a cocky jerk that didn't think of others and had been so used to getting what he wanted. He was horrible to Bree and she was pretty much a hookup that he thought little of. But then you get to know him in this book and start to see that he had been pushing her away and denying his feelings. He was beating himself up so badly through this book because of everything, and you could really see just how awful he felt. He knew that he screwed up and that he had a lot of making up to do, and I think that was what won me over fully for him. He wasn't afraid to lay it all on the line and admit not only his faults but also his feelings. Bree had been through so much and at first glance she kind of came off as a bit of a doormat. She let Max get away with a ton, but as the story went on you got to see that she really was standing up for herself and making him work for it. Her feelings for Max were so strong, and she loved him faults and all. So it was really easy for me to see why she kept hoping that things between them would change, even after everything he had put her through. I am so glad that she gave him more than one chance, because these two were so great together. They were super hot and you could really feel the chemistry between them, but the love these two shared was undeniable.

Overall, I really enjoyed this installment. Max and Bree are my favorite characters from this series so far, although I love them all. Something about Max and Bree really spoke to me though, and I felt more connected to these two than I have with the others. They are both fighters and would do anything for those they loved, and I think that is a lot of why I just couldn't get enough of these two. I definitely recommend this series, and each book can be read as a standalone story. But I really like this series and would suggest starting at the beginning. You get so much more out of each story knowing what the characters have been through and seeing the progress each of them has made. I loved how C.A. Harms set up Tanner's story next, and I am really looking forward to seeing him work for it like Max did. Tanner might have even more ground to make up when it comes to winning Lil over and I can't wait to see how hard he falls.

**ARC Provided by HEA Bookshelf Tours**

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