
ARC Review: With a Twist by Sawyer Bennett

With a Twist is the fourth book in the Last Call Series by Sawyer Bennett. As with each of the previous books in the series, this one can be read as a standalone. The characters are interconnected though and you do get to see some familiar faces in this book. I really enjoyed this installment in the series though, and I loved that Andrea and Wyatt's story had some suspense without being a romantic suspense novel. This one had just enough to keep me interested, and thought that it was very well written.

Wyatt Banks is ready to settle down. He has watched his friends fall one by one and wants the kind of connection that each of them have found. But a relationship will have to wait as he is about to go undercover for his job as a cop, and he has no idea how long the operation will take. As Wyatt immerses himself in the world the strip club he finds himself employed at, he will do anything to take down the scum bag that is running a sex slave operation and is kidnapping the girls from the club. When he finally makes it to the circle of trust, he gets a partner from the FBI to help him make the bust by going undercover as the next girl targeted. At first glance, Andrea Somerville seems to be the last girl he would pick for the job. But when she shows up at the club, Wyatt is surprised to find that Andrea pulls off the job better than he ever expected. Wyatt and Andrea both can't help but feel the attraction between them, and find themselves feeling more for their partner than they have ever experienced before. But in a dark and dangerous world with so much on the line, can they find a way to make it out safe to have a chance at something after the operation is over?

I really liked Wyatt. He was sweet and sexy, and a really good guy. I loved that his personality was so different from who he was pretending to be undercover. He genuinely was bothered by the awful things that he was forced to be a part of and do in order to help take down a criminal. He always looked out for the girls though, and I loved how instantly protective he was of Andrea. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, and I really believed that he would have done anything it took to keep her safe even if it meant screwing up the operation. Andrea was smart and I loved that she made no apologies for her past. She did what she had to do to get her where she wanted to be in life, and I admired her tenacity. I loved the fact that she was able to be so upfront with who she was, and the fact that she didn't feel any shame in getting the job done. Andrea also wasn't afraid to make a big gesture in her personal life, and I really liked that she had such guts. She was so easy to like and I felt like I was really connected to not only Wyatt but also to Andrea. These two had a ton of chemistry and I enjoyed the steamy stuff with them. What really made them work though was the slow build up and tension between them as they developed more than just attraction between them.

Overall, this was a really great read. I liked the story and the characters, and I really enjoy Sawyer Bennett's writing style. This one kept me interested enough to keep reading without turning into nothing but a suspense novel with a romance subplot, which I find happens a lot with a story about cops. But this one was so different and fresh that I just kept reading until I had finished the entire book in one sitting. I will say that I wish that we had been given a bit more between the two after they had admitted their feelings and before things got super serious. The book seems to pretty much gloss over the entire period that they are dating and things felt a bit rushed toward the end. But I did enjoy how things turned out, even if I had been wanting a bit more. I highly recommend that you give any of Sawyer Bennett's books a chance if you haven't read anything by her before, but if you are already a fan of hers this book definitely will not disappoint. I look forward to more from Sawyer Bennett in the future, and I am really hoping that she gives us Casey's story next as I am really curious about why she is the way she is.

**ARC Provided by AToMR Promotions**

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Sophia Rose said...

I just read one of her hockey romances and liked her writing and I love rom suspense so I might have to try these.

Casey said...

Was it Alex? I loved that one! I am looking forward to Garrett's story next!

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