
Guest Post with Author Grace Burrowes and Giveaway

Meet Grace Burrowes, author of A Single Kiss.

Grace Burrowes is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than thirty historical romances, and a child welfare attorney practicing in western Maryland. She loves to hear from readers, and can be reached through her website at

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What are your top 5 favorite kissing scenes (from movies, tv shows, books, real life etc.) and why?

Top, top, top scene would be Joanna Bourne’s The Black Hawk when Hawker and Justine are in the dark, rainy garden, hopelessly in love, but on opposite sides of a war that will rage for twenty years. Jo’s language, her ability to counterpoint lush, symbolic description with spare dialogue, the cold of the garden with the heat of passion, the carnal attraction with the healing baptism of the rain… it’s an overwhelmingly beautiful scene. Pure, dark chocolate genius. I say that as a writer, but also as somebody who’s read romance for forty years.

The kiss ending North and South, for reasons which ought to be apparent to anybody who’s watched it.

When Rhett kisses Scarlett in Gone with The Wind (a twofer), both in the book and on screen. Rhett and Scarlett both begin the story as shallow characters, but he, at least grows, and his kisses say that, especially his kisses good-bye, when he goes off to war, and when he goes off to life free of Scarlett at the end of the movie.

Then there’s a lovely kiss in Loretta Chase’s Not Quite a Lady. Hero and heroine are managing quite well, thinking their way through every aspect of life, when loneliness ambushes them both, clobbers them in the guise of mutual attraction, and—oopsie!—luscious kisses. Perfect!

Hannah Stark has set her sights on corporate law to assure her a career of paperwork, predictability, and conservative suits. Contracts, finance, and the art of the deal sing to her, while the mess and misery of the courtroom do not. But her daughter needs to eat, so when Hannah is offered a temporary position in a small town firm's domestic relations department, she reluctantly accepts.

Trent Knightley is mightily drawn to his newest associate, though Hannah is as protective of her privacy as she is competent. When their friendship and attraction heat up, Hannah's secrets put her heart and Trent's hopes in double jeopardy.

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girlygirlhoosier52 said...

I've enjoyed your writing for such a long time.. What is your biggest distraction these days? said...

I was very encouraged to find this site. I wanted to thank you for this special read. I definitely savored every little bit of it.
Trebinje nekretnine

Carol L. said...

I've read all Grace's books and loved them. This will be the first contemporary read from her and I'm looking fforward to it.
Thanks for the chance.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

dstoutholcomb said...

I love a good kiss in a book

mk said...

Grace's herosandheroinesare put through the wringer by her, so much lovely angst!

mk said...

Mm, just saw the question. Maybe When Harry Met Sally?
And Google has my name as MK for this comment, when it's actually MakeKay

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Grace! Can't wait to read your new works! Btw, I loved reading "The Traitor"--an awesome story. As for any one single story's first kiss standing out...hmm...that's a hard one. I seem to love each and every story's first kiss.

Kim said...

Congratulations on your contemporary series. As to your question, there are too many to choose from.

Jess1 said...

So hard to think of the best and having read so many books/ stories. Easier to tell you from a movie, one of the best is French Kiss with Kevin Kline & Meg Ryan.

Catherine said...

My favorite scene is from Julie James' Something About You. It is the one up against the front door after the motorcycle ride. Totally hot!

loseydoris said...

Gone with the Wind

Amanda V said...

Can't wait to read this new series!

Unknown said...

I love when the "single" kiss turns into way more than just one ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your SWEETEST KISSES series. As for my favorite kiss scene in a book, it is hard to pick just one out. I can picture one in my mind, but I have no idea what book it is from. Just that it is sweet and tender and finishes with a tender embrace.

heatherzilla said...

I think my favorite single kiss scene would be the first kiss between Dean Holder and Sky in Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.
For movies, I agree on North and South. I watch that miniseries at least once a year.

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