
Guest Post with Author Sherri Browning and Giveaway

Sherri Browning writes historical and contemporary romance fiction, sometimes with a paranormal twist. She is the author of critically acclaimed classic mash-ups Jane Slayre and Grave Expectations. A graduate of Mount Holyoke College, Sherri has lived in western Massachusetts and Greater Detroit Michigan, but is now settled with her family in Simsbury, Connecticut.

Find Sherri at:

Lady Alice’s Bucket List

The heroine of my latest Edwardian romance, An Affair Downstairs, is Lady Alice Emerson. Lady Alice was a little ahead of her time. She had a bucket list before the concept of a bucket list was born. Of course, she didn’t call it a bucket list. It was her “Great List of Things to Accomplish.”

On Alice’s list:

#5 Travel the world.

Lady Alice isn’t content to stay in the quiet countryside, and even London is lacking the excitement she craves. She longs to explore the exotic, India, Africa… faraway places she has only read about in books.

#4 Ride a camel.

Most proper English ladies never get the chance to ride a camel. How does one manage it, Alice wonders, with the humps? A special saddle perhaps? She means to find out firsthand.

#3 Corner the fox in a hunt.

Aha, a more immediate goal, something Alice can accomplish right at home in England. Lord Holcomb is holding a hunt, or so she’s heard. Can she manage to be ready in time?

#2 Get drunk on whisky.

Not such a lofty ideal, perhaps, but the men always get to indulge in spirits. Why shouldn’t she? Besides, having a little drink or two might help her to loosen up and finally get around to accomplishing her number one goal…

#1 Have a wild love affair!

Marriage isn’t for Lady Alice. The idea of having to rely on marriage to elevate her status? No, thank you, but Alice does want to experience physical love at least once. She has her mind set on her sister’s estate agent, Mr. Logan Winthrop. The problem is that Winthrop is so focused on his duty, so seemingly immune to her charms. But Alice has never been one to give up easily.

Or so you will find if you read An Affair Downstairs. Thank you for inviting me to blog with you today!

The attraction of the forbidden cannot be suppressed…

Lady Alice Emerson is entirely unsatisfied with the endless stream of boring suitors her family finds appropriate. She wants something more. Something daring. Something real. Each tiresome new suitor only serves to further inflame Lady Alice’s combustible attraction to Thornbrook Park’s rugged, manly estate manager, Logan Winthrop. Despite Logan’s stubborn attempts to avoid her, Lady Alice is irresistible, and so is the forbidden desire exploding between them…

If you’re a fan of Downton Abbey, don’t miss the fascinating Edwardian world of Thornbrook Park.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 copies of Thornbrook Park

To Enter: 
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

fun list

Sandy Kenny said...

I love that list--can't wait to read your books. Thanks for giving me more awesome books to read in the new year!

Kristen P said...

Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!

Sandy Kenny said...

I forgot to mention...I love many different eras, but I must admit that I love the Regency and Victorian eras for romance novels. :)

Kim said...

I enjoy the Regency & Victorian Eras.

Sherri Browning Erwin said...

I've also written in the Regency era. There are some surprising similarities. Both eras were times of great change with monarchs looking for some fun following the reigns of their more austere parents.

Lisa M said...

If I am reading a historically based romance I do prefer them to be pre 1800's but it isn't a rule ;)

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