
Review: Where We Belong by K.L. Grayson

Where We Belong is K.L. Grayson's first book and is also the first in her A Touch of Fate Series. I knew after reading the blurb for this book that I had to get my hands on this one. I really needed to know Harley's story and I am glad that I read this one. While there are a few things I had issues with, I absolutely couldn't put this one down and I stayed up extra late just to finish it. I am looking forward to getting more about the characters in this series and can't wait to see what the author has in store for them.

Harley Thompson has been in love with her best friend Tyson Grawe for years, but has never told him how she feels. When Ty informs her that he is moving away after the graduate from college, she finally tells him how she feels but he walks away from her. To make matters worse, she also went through something horrible right after Ty left her. Now five years later, her life is completely different and although it has been tough she wouldn't change a thing. She leans on her friends and is finally to a good place again until Ty suddenly walks back into her life. Ty knows that he made a mistake years ago walking away from Harley and their friendship, but he is back and is determined to have a second chance with her. But will Ty and Harley be able to leave the past behind them and move forward, or will there have been too much time and distance for them to overcome?

I was really frustrated with Ty for most of this book if i'm honest. He had some really wonderful moments and I would fall for him. He had missed so much of Harley's life and knew that he made a mistake, and yet his actions were still awful. He made assumptions and was extremely judgmental, and I just didn't understand why he wouldn't talk to her. I don't know how he expected to have everything figured out without having talked to her for five years, but at his age he should have been able to have an honest conversation with her regardless of how painful it might have been for him to hear certain things. Because of his actions, he hurt Harley more than once and it really pissed me off. Harley was strong. She had been through so much and had come out with such a great outlook on life. I am not sure that I would have been able to pull things together the way she did, but I admired her character so much for it. I loved her friendships with Quinn and Levi, and I thought that they were exactly the support system she needed. I will say that while I really wanted Ty to come groveling back to her, I also kind of hoped that Harley and Levi would take things beyond friendship. The worse Ty's actions got, the more I felt that way. I thought that they had a lot of history and I love a best friends to lovers story, but I just felt like Ty kept screwing things up and didn't really make up for it.

Because of everything that happened with Ty, I think I loved Levi that much more. Which is why I was extremely disappointed that he all but disappeared for most of the second half of this book. For the special relationship he had with Harley and Max, it felt really unbelievable that he would not be around much after Ty was in the picture. Especially considering that he wasn't an ex-boyfriend, but rather just a really great friend who had always been there for Harley. It just didn't work for me and felt unrealistic. I also felt like beyond just bringing in Levi to drop him, that the author did that with a few other things as well. Another being whatever was going on between Quinn and Mason. It was brought up and then never revisited. I am not sure if she was trying to lay groundwork for the next book(s) in this series, but I wondered why it was even brought up if it was just going to be left hanging. Another problem I had with the story was the ending and the resolution to the conflict/big secret. It felt like there was so much build up from the very beginning of this story, and the secret that was never revealed (though it was obvious to me and I had it figured out very early on) until the very end. Then once everything is out and things start to get interesting and resolved, it's over. I wanted more. It was rushed and abrupt, and it all felt very anticlimactic. All that being said, I honestly couldn't put this book down and I loved most of the characters. Max, Harley, and Levi were my absolute favorites, and I really liked Quinn as well. Ty did have his good moments though, and I was glad that he finally started to get his head on straight. While I am curious to know more of the situation with Quinn, I have to say I am dying to get my hands on Levi's story. He really stole the show for me with this book, and I desperately wanted more which is why I was so sad that he disappeared from this story. I really hope that K.L. Grayson gives us his story and soon, because he is fantastic. Even with all my criticisms, I would still recommend this book. It dealt with a lot of touchy subjects, and yet I thought that Grayson did a great job of giving us a beautiful story that did the characters and situation justice. I am looking forward to more from her in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by Three Girls and A Book Obsession**

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