
Review: Final Call by Emma Hart

Final Call is the second book in the Call series by Emma Hart and is not a standalone. This book should only be read after Late Call and is the continuing story of Aaron and Dayton. I couldn't wait to get more of these two after the ending of the first book, and I really enjoyed their story. I was really happy with how things turned out for these two, and I thought that Emma Hart did a great job writing the conclusion for these two.

After the events of Late Call, Aaron will do anything to get Dayton back. He will stop at nothing to convince her that their love is worth giving another chance. While Dayton agrees to take things slowly, she knows that she can't make any huge decisions until she has enough time to really think things over. Dayton and Aaron begin to find their way back to one another and start looking towards the future, when suddenly another curve-ball is thrown their way. But this time Dayton is the one with the secret and it could destroy everything they have both been working for.

Dayton and Aaron have never had an easy go of it, and this book was no exception. Just when things are starting to get back on track, yet another obstacles appears for them. While I didn't agree with Dayton's keeping Aaron from finding out for so long, I did see why she did it. These two love each other so much that they would do just about anything to protect one another. But they both have gone about it the wrong way, and they always find out in the end that they are stronger together than apart. I was really glad to see them figure that out this time around. Dayton had some big life changes to consider, and I was glad that she did things the way she needed to. She wasn't afraid to push against Aaron when he needed it and I liked that. But I also loved the fact that when Aaron would do something to make her mad that she would get over it pretty quickly and realize that he was often time doing what she needed or wanted but didn't take or ask for. Aaron and Dayton knew each other so well at this point, and yet there were always things that they were still discovering about one another. They seemed so real to me because of that, and I thought that their relationship was so believable.

Overall, these two continued to have the chemistry and emotional connection that I loved so much from the first book. They were more than perfect for one another, and the love and undeniable connection they shared was obvious. I enjoyed seeing them face new obstacles and I thought that this book was a great conclusion to their story. While it was a great ending and the story was perfectly satisfying, I am really excited to read His Call and get some of Aaron's POV. I feel like that was really the only thing missing from this series, and I am excited to see his thoughts as well as Dayton's. I am also really excited to read the spin-off from this series featuring Dayton's best friend Liv and Aaron's cousin Tyler. I loved Tyler in this book, and I can't wait to get more of these two. I definitely recommend this series, and I am becoming more of a fan with each new story I read from Emma Hart. I am looking forward to more from her in the future.

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