
ARC Review: Consolation by Corinne Michaels

Consolation is the first part of the Consolation Duet from Corinne Michaels, and it is also a part of her Salvation series. Each Duet features a different set of characters and can be read as a standalone, but they are all interconnected. Though these books do not have to be read in order of the series as a whole be aware that if you start with Consolation, what happens in the Belonging Duet will be spoiled for you. I will also say that the reader should keep in mind that Consolation is only part one of this duet, and there is a cliffhanger. It definitely leaves the reader wanting more, but trust me when I tell you that this story is worth reading regardless of the wait for more. Consolation was such a fantastic story, and I think that readers will fall just as hard for Liam as I did. 

After losing her husband, Natalie was left alone to raise her daughter. She never expected to be a widow and single mother, but she knows that she needs to carry on for Aarabelle's sake. When her husband's best friend Liam shows up to help her out, at first she is hesitant to let him in. She is barely surviving and doesn't know how to accept help from anyone. But Liam isn't willing to give up on her and soon they are spending more time together. As they are around each other more, they begin to see each other in a new light and both begin to develop feelings beyond friendship for one another. Though they never thought that they would be anything more than friends, when they are together it feels right. But can Liam and Natalie find a way to leave the past behind them and move forward with the future? Will they ever be able to be together without feeling like Aaron is between them? 

I loved Liam so much. He was beyond amazing, and was pretty much perfect. He was sweet and kind, protective and patient. But he also wasn't afraid to give it to Natalie straight, and I loved him so much more for that. Liam was so good with Natalie and her daughter Aarabelle. He didn't always know what he was doing, but it was clear just how deep his feelings for them went. Natalie was great as well. She was so strong, and handled everything she was dealt with such grace. I cannot even begin to imagine experiencing everything that she did, and yet each time she surprised me so much with how level headed and mature she was. She did have a few moments that she let get away from her a bit, but it was always over almost as soon as it began. The thing that I really loved with Natalie though was that she was able to find a way to not only survive, but to begin to put herself back together. Liam really helped her to begin to live again, and I loved that they were open and honest with each other. They took things slow, and I loved that they didn't try to rush things even after they admitted their feelings. They took things one day at a time and that was what made it so real and believable. These two had great chemistry, and you could feel the attraction between them. But their connection was undeniable, and I loved that it wasn't just the two of them but that it also included Aara. 

Overall, I cannot begin to go into details about everything I loved about this story. Trust me when I tell you that you absolutely have to go into this one and just experience it. It was beautiful and emotional, and at times my heart felt like it was literally breaking for these characters. They had all been through so much, and at times it felt like the hits just kept coming. The ending was a surprise to me, and while I knew something bad was coming it wasn't what I had expected at all. I cannot wait to get the next book and have some questions answered. Corinne Michaels did a great job of giving the reader just enough to keep us reading, and hungry enough to want more. Consolation was written brilliantly, and I was instantly invested in this story. I didn't want to put it down, and I fell in love with Liam right along with Natalie. I definitely recommend this story to romance readers looking for something emotional and deep. This book gave me all the feels, and I will anxiously be awaiting Conviction.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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