
ARC Review: Manwhore by Katy Evans

Manwhore is the first book in the new Manwhore series by Katy Evans. This book does end with a cliffhanger, so keep that in mind before starting this book. I have to admit that while I was excited that Katy Evans had a new series coming out, I was also a bit worried as well. While I liked the Real series I had some issues with a few of the books, especially Mine and Remy. There is a fine line between wanting more of the characters, and dragging things out beyond what is necessary. So when I found out this wasn't a standalone, I was a bit worried that I would feel the same way. I did like Manwhore though, and I will see how things go in the next book while hoping for the best. 

When Rachel gets the chance of a lifetime to write an expose on Chicago's hottest rich playboy, she immediately accepts. Malcolm Saint is known for being mysterious and playing every bit as hard as he works. Rachel is to go undercover and find out about the real him that no one else has ever been able to figure out. Why does he do the things he does, and what is with his penchant for the number four? So when Rachel and Saint start to get to know one another, she quickly finds out that there is more to him than she ever could have guessed. The more she learns about Saint, the more she starts to learn about herself. Soon she is finding it hard to keep things professional with him. Rachel begins to wonder if she had to make the choice between her story or the man which one she would choose? 

I liked Saint and Rachel. These two were both complicated and had so many layers to them. Saint was used to always getting what he wanted without having to do much to get it. Rachel didn't give in right away and part of her worried that it was just the challenge that kept him interested. But I really saw Saint struggling with how to handle things with her. He treated her differently, and I liked who he was with her. He was hard working, smart, and super sexy. Rachel had her own reasons for doing what she was, but I did feel like she had to know ahead of time how things would play out. She started to get attached to Saint, and I really wish that she would have been more honest with him. I didn't understand why she couldn't tell him what was going on, especially when things started to get serious between them. They had chemistry right away the first time they met, but as they got to know one another it grew into genuine feelings for one another. I wish that they had been able to talk to one another about what was going on, and I felt like a lot of that was Rachel's fault. I found myself growing frustrated with her in the second half of the book. She would often times wax poetic about Saint and it got a bit old, especially considering the fact that she couldn't even be honest with him about what she was doing. 

Overall, it was a good start to this series but I am worried about it dragging a bit. I am not sure where things go from here, especially after that cliffhanger. I did think that this book started off a bit slow, but as it continued I got totally sucked in and couldn't put it down. Though I was frustrated with Rachel, I really liked what was developing between her and Saint. I liked the fact that things built slowly between them, and they didn't just jump right into anything. The tension and chemistry between them was fantastic, and I liked seeing them start to realize their feelings for one another. I do wish that we had been given Malcolm's POV though. I think that this story would have greatly benefited by seeing his thoughts and feelings, and I really think that would have changed the story completely. I wanted to see what he was experiencing, rather than just what Rachel was going through. I will also say that Rachel's roommate and friend Gina drove me a bit crazy, and I think she ended up doing more harm than good when it came to how Rachel was feeling and handling things with Saint. I wanted to smack her and tell her that just because she had gone through some pain and a bad relationship didn't mean that everyone would experience the same, regardless of reputation. I am curious to see what happens next though, and I really do like Saint and Rachel together. I am hopeful that the next book in the series will get these two where they need to be and I am curious to see what else Katy Evans has in store for these characters. July 2015 can't get here soon enough, and I will be waiting for more of Saint!

**ARC Provided by Gallery Books**

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