
Guest Post with Author Sara Humpreys and Giveaway

Sara Humphreys has been attracted to the fantasies of science fiction, paranormal, and romance since her adolescence when she had a mad crush on Captain Kirk. An actress and public speaker, Sara lives in Bronxville, New York with her husband, who is very considerate of her double life, and four amazing boys.

Top 5 Reasons I Fell For a Werewolf Prince: Sadie Pemberton - A 200 Year Old Vampire Who Should Know Better

1. He’s forbidden. The fact I’m not supposed to hook up with him only makes the allure stronger.

2. He’s hot. I’m not just talking about gorgeous kind of hot. I mean he’s physically hot to the touch and that is way different from what I’m used to. Every time he gets close, I want to wrap my arms around him and snuggle. Among other things.

3. Power. I’m not talking about the throne. I mean the man exudes raw animal strength. He’s not just strong. Vamps are strong. Killian has an almost electric presence and it hums in his blood. I can practically hear it calling me closer and daring me to take just one little bite.

4. Killian is different. I know that sounds lame but I’ve been walking the planet for two centuries and I’ve done almost everything. Except a werewolf….

5. I can’t resist a man who doesn’t back down and dishes it out as well as he can take it. Gotta love a man who’s a smart mouthed as he is sexy.

How about you? What makes you fall for someone you shouldn’t?

Vampires are nothing but trouble…

As far as beautiful vampire Sadie Pemberton is concerned, werewolves shouldn’t be sticking their noses into New York’s supernatural politics. They don’t know jack about running a city—not even that hot-as-sin new vampire-werewolf liaison who’s just arrived in town.

Werewolves are too sexy for their own good…

The last thing Killian Bane wanted was to end up in New York City playing nice with vampires. Unfortunately, he’s on a mission, and when he encounters the sexiest, most stubborn female vamp he’s ever met, he’s going to have to turn on a little of that wolfish charm…and Sadie’s going to learn a thing or two about what it means to have a wild side…

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Sadie forced herself to look Killian in the face, and the instant she did, she knew it was a colossal mistake. His eyes looked like pools of liquid gold, and she could swear he saw straight through to her very soul. A growl rumbled in his chest and Sadie gasped. His eyes flickered and shifted into the glowing amber eyes of his wolf. The sudden and instinctive change was a glaring reminder of who he was…who they both were.

In a remarkably steady voice, Sadie whispered, “Last night should never have happened.”

“The only thing about last night that shouldn’t have happened was the way it ended,” Killian rasped.

Sadie stilled when his large hand cradled her cheek. Despite her best efforts to resist him, her body quivered uncontrollably as he surrounded her in every way a person could be surrounded. When the heat of his palm seared against her skin, a needy moan escaped her lips. Desire curled inside her like smoke, and regardless of the litany of warnings that ran through her head, Sadie’s hands found their way to the front of Killian’s shirt. She grasped the fabric, still warm from the heat of his body, and pulled him closer. Sweet Jesus, the man had a body that looked like it had been hand carved by the gods themselves.

“Is that so?” Sadie pulled his shirt loose from his jeans and slipped her fingers underneath before trailing them along the hard planes of his stomach. Arching one eyebrow, she held his heavy-lidded gaze. “How do you suppose it should have ended?”

“The same way it should end every night from now on,” he growled. Killian slid both hands into her long hair. Sadie shivered when his fingertips grazed her scalp. He pressed his hips against her before slipping his thigh between her legs. Sadie gasped with pleasure as he put pressure on just the right spot, and when a moan escaped her parted lips, a cocky grin emerged on his. Killian tightened his grip on her hair and leaned in so his mouth was just a breath away. “Every single night should end with me buried deep inside you.”

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Sara Humpreys Paranormal Prize Pack

To Enter: 
  • How about you? What makes you fall for someone you shouldn’t?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol L. said...

I love the excerpts I've read already. I'm excited to get this series and start reading. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) all (dot) com

Jan Hougland said...

Just like Sadie and Killian falling for someone they shouldn't, I fell for my husband when I THOUGHT I shouldn't. He was a pastor in a church at the time and I couldn't wrap my head around that he was handsome and single (and so was I) and a pastor for goodness' sake! I thought to myself he couldn't be "normal." :-) But I fell for him anyway...after he chased me for awhile despite my reluctance...and we've been married now for 36 years! So, like Sadie and Killian, hubby and I WERE right for each other...we just didn't know or believe it when we first met. But we took the chance and grabbed on...for the rest of our lives. He's my hero! Thanks for the interesting question!

robinky42 said...

I like both. Cant' wait to read this book.

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh, I love both! Shifters and vampires are both sexy and great in books.

Sophia Rose said...

Those are convincing arguments. I don't think she had a choice who she fell for. Sometimes it just happens. Now whether we do something about it is another thing. ;)

Sherry Butcher said...

I prefer both in your paranormal romance reads. TFS.

sheryl said...

I love vampires, but coming to enjoy shifters more and more.

Unknown said...

As long it's paranormal I will love to read it.

Glenda H. said...

I like either a vampire or shifter...whatever works in the story. Paranormal...all good!

Lisa M said...

Both of course!!! =D

Pamk said...

I like it all. Anything you want to through in there lol

Anonymous said...

I have not read many paranormal books, but so far, the shifters are my favorite.

Sara Humphreys said...

Thank you for hosting me xx

Amy said...

I am a shifter fan. I am all about hot blooded creatures! Sara Humphreys is such an inspiration I'd love to showcase her books on my bookshelf!

fernanda79 said...

I like both!

Unknown said...

I love both!! :)

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