
ARC Review: Broken Juliet by Leisa Rayven

Broken Juliet is the second book in the Starcrossed series by Leisa Rayven and it is the continuation of Cassie and Ethan's story. This book is not a standalone, and should be read after Bad Romeo. While I really liked Bad Romeo, I absolutely loved Broken Juliet! This book was so good, and I honestly loved every bit of it. If you haven't read these books yet, they are definitely worth it! I will admit that they will put you on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but to me the journey was one that I would take again in a heartbeat. 

Cassie Taylor had tried to move forward with her life for years, but was never able to fully move on after her ex Ethan Holt broke her heart twice. Then he was suddenly back in her life as they were cast opposite one another as leads once again. Not only was Ethan back, but Cassie quickly learned that he was determined to win her back once and for all. Ethan said that he changed, but Cassie had heard that before and knew that she needed to be careful to guard her heart. As Cassie and Ethan get to know one another again, she finds herself falling for him all over again. But can they have another chance to be together, or will their insecurities and fears destroy them once and for all? 

I liked Cassie and Ethan in Bad Romeo, but I felt like we really saw so much growth and progress from each of them in Broken Juliet. They were older and more mature, but they had also been through so much. For Ethan, he had finally realized that his insecurities didn't need to hold him back and that he needed to stop self sabotaging. I was so glad that he had not only received help that he needed, but that he wasn't ashamed of it. He truly came to Cassie a changed man that was an open book, and I loved his honesty. He really laid himself bare before her, and it was exactly what he needed to do to show her just how far he had come. Cassie was more wary than ever, and I hated seeing her go backwards compared to what she once was. She had been hurt and was skeptical, and she had every right to be. But she also could see the good in Ethan and she had never really stopped loving him, even when she hated him. I was glad that Cassie got the help that she never knew she needed, because I think it really set her up to be happier than she could have been without it. She needed to face some things on her own just as Ethan had, and I think these two had a much stronger foundation for a relationship because they were willing to do what it took this time around. These two have always had amazing chemistry and an undeniable connection, but I really felt like we got to see just how much deeper that bond could be in this book.

Overall, this book was fantastic. In my opinion, I thought that it was much better than the first book. I had really liked Bad Romeo, but there were some issues for me with the shift in time. I felt like in that book it was a bit jarring and confusing at times, and it felt like a debut novel of an author with great potential. But this book was much more polished, with the transitions between past and present smooth and easy to follow. The book flowed really well, and I found myself shutting out the world as I devoured every word of Cassie and Ethan's story. Leisa Rayven has written a beautiful story with characters that are real and flawed, but that you can't help but fall in love with. I found my heart breaking for these characters at times, and then laughing out loud at others. Broken Juliet truly captivated me from the very first page, and it was everything that I could have hoped for and more. These books are a must read for me, and I think that readers will really love this emotional series. If you are looking for something sexy and funny that will give you all the feels, the Starcrossed series by Leisa Rayven is not to be missed!

**ARC Provided by Goodreads First Reads & St. Martin's Press**

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