
ARC Review: Twisted by Cynthia Eden

Cynthia Eden where do you get all these wonderful ideas! Where ever they come from please keep ‘em coming! If you loved Broken the first book of the series you’ll love Twisted just as much; it is named exactly as it should because it is one twisted situation with one twisted villain. If the following books are anywhere near as good this one book the series is going to be outstanding. Cynthia Eden has a way of pulling you in and wrapping the story around you so you forget everything else.

The team from LOST (Last Option Search Team) is back again this time in New Orleans looking for a sixteen year old runaway. Former FBI agent, Dean Bannon, is on foot asking around looking for a lead, luckily he finds one. Emma Castile does not claim to be psychic; she is just observant, capable of noticing what other easily over look. Emma has picked up the pieces of her life after her father was murdered by a raging psychopath who kidnapped and murdered his girlfriend and her twin sister. Emma uses the knowledge her father taught her to start her life over again, it has served her well and she has kept her nose clean and out of trouble and the spotlight her father loved. That is until a young woman sits down at Emma’s vender booth. Emma knows instantly the girl is running scared and that something really bad is about to happen. Emma runs after the girl but she just disappears only finding blood smeared on the wall. At first Emma is hesitant to help, but after she comes home to a wrecked apartment and the words You’re Next tagged on the wall she goes to Dean for protection in return she will be willing to help track down the person responsible.

The attraction between Dean and Emma is instant; they see something in each other and despite the animosity Emma feels for FBI and their ilk because of what happened to her father and the what Dean finds out about her father and assumes she’s just a fraud like him; despite all that the attraction between them is like playing with a flint over on open container of lamp oil, it’s only a matter of time before it ignites and when it does it’ll burn bright and hot. Emma is not one to easily trust but there is something kindred about Dean she opens her heart and trust to the man. Dean doesn’t feel worthy of her attention but can’t deny his feelings. Emma sees through Dean’s doubt and ends up loving him for the man he is even if he can’t see it himself. Dean is humbled and complete with Emma’s love and will do anything to keep her safe.

This case is bugging Dean, there is something about it that sets it apart from others. When the team’s profiler, Sarah Jacobs, cues in her thoughts it becomes apparent that it isn’t just coincidence that the M.O.s are similar with the serial killer that ended Dean’s career as a fed, a mad man who was presumed dead just maybe back from the dead and this time it’s personal (sorry couldn’t help myself). Now they are racing the clock to find the missing teen, Julia and keep Emma out of his clutches. As things progress it turns out things aren’t as they seem, and even thought I guessed right, the Killer leads the LOST team on a merry chase throughout New Orleans. With situations that make you second guess yourself it’s a rollercoaster ride of romance and suspense. I highly recommend this book for everyone who loves a good romantic suspense you don’t even have to have read Broken; this can be read as a stand-alone.

**ARC provied by Publisher**

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