
Feature and Giveaway: Day Shift by Charlaine Harris

In Midnight Crossroad, Charlaine Harris “capture[d] the same magic as the world of Bon Temps, Louisiana, and [took] it to another level" (Houston Press). Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels returns to the one-traffic-light town you see only when you’re on the way to someplace else…

There is no such thing as bad publicity, except in Midnight, Texas, where the residents like to keep to themselves. Even in a town full of secretive people, Olivia Charity is an enigma. She lives with the vampire Lemuel, but no one knows what she does; they only know that she’s beautiful and dangerous.

Psychic Manfred Bernardo finds out just how dangerous when he goes on a working weekend to Dallas and sees Olivia there with a couple who are both found dead the next day. To make matters worse, one of Manfred’s regular—and very wealthy—clients dies during a reading.

Manfred returns from Dallas embroiled in scandal and hounded by the press. He turns to Olivia for help; somehow he knows that the mysterious Olivia can get things back to normal. As normal as things get in Midnight…

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Charlaine Harris is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse fantasy/mystery series, the Aurora Teagarden, Harper Connelly, and Lily Bard mystery series, and Midnight Crossroad, the first Midnight, Texas, novel. She has lived in the South her entire life. 

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Midnight Crossroad

To Enter: 
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


JenM said...

I read Charlaine's Harper Connolly series and loved it and from what I understand, this is kind of a spin-off so I'd love to read it.

Glenda said...

I love Charlaine's writing.

Barbara E. said...

I've enjoyed Charlaine Harris' writing in the past, so I'm sure I'll enjoy Midnight Crossroad.

erin said...

I enjoyed the SS series and I can't wait to see what Ms. Harris cooks up next :) thanks for sharing!

Jen B. said...

I haven't read the Sookie Stackhouse series but a lot of my friends love the series. I think the description of this series sounds great. I love vampire stories.

Lisa M said...

I have greatly enjoy Charlaine Harris' books in the past and I am excited to see what this book is about =)

Pamk said...

because I've not read anything by Charlaine Harris I didn't like

Unknown said...

I love the Sookie Stackhouse Series and would enjoy reading this book by Charlaine Harris.

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