
ARC Review: Gypsy Beach by Jillian Neal

Gypsy Beach is the first book I have read from Jillian Neal, so I didn't really know what to expect with this story. I loved the sound of the blurb though, and there is just something about a sexy single dad that loves his kid. Add to that a second chance at love, and I was sold. This book was light and sweet, and is a really cute summer read. I enjoyed it and will look for more from Jillian Neal in the future. 

It's been 10 years since Ryan McNamara and Sienna Cooper have seen each other. They once thought that they had a future together, but they both ended up with broken hearts. Now Ryan is divorcing a wife he hates and doing everything he can to fight for his daughter Evie. He vows never to fall in love again and returns to the one place that he was last happy, Gypsy Beach. Looking for work to set him and his daughter up, he seeks to work as a contractor for the many residents of Gypsy Beach after storm damage. But when he comes face to face with Sienna at the Inn her grandmother once owned, he realizes he never quit loving her and will fight for her this time around. But will Sienna be able to forgive him for leaving her years ago and take on not just Ryan but also his daughter? 

I liked these two a lot. Ryan had let his parents control his life for years, so it was good to see him finally standing up to them and doing what he wanted. He was a great dad and his top priority was Evie and Sienna. I loved that he was so sweet and loving with his girls, and he would do whatever it took for them to be happy. He no longer had the money he had grown up with, but it was clear that all that matter to him was Evie and Sienna. Sienna was such a fun character! Strong and sassy, she was unique and fun. I loved how free spirited and easy to get along with she was, and it was great that she just loved life. These two were perfect for each other, and I really loved the connection and chemistry they shared. Ryan's daughter Evie was adorable and she took to Sienna right away.

I will say that while this book was cute and sweet, it was pretty predictable and didn't really offer anything new. This one was fun and light, and an easy story to lose myself in for a few hours. The book alternates between Ryan and Sienna's POVs, but it wasn't clearly stated when it was switching and that was a bit disorienting at times. The one thing that I thought was kind of weird was that not only did we get Ryan and Sienna's POVs, but a few times in the story we would also get a little bit of a couple of the secondary characters. I got what the author was trying to do, but I just thought it was kind of strange the way it was done. I will read more from Jillian Neal, but while I liked this story I didn't love it. If you are looking for something quick and easy though, I would recommend giving this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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