
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Jennifer Blackwood

Jennifer Blackwood is an English teacher and contemporary romance author. She lives in Oregon with her husband, son, and poorly behaved black lab puppy. She is the author of Unethical and Foolproof—college romances with a medical twist.

Summer is one of my favorite seasons! Beach, sunshine, time off from teaching—the only thing that could make these three months more perfect is one thing: BOOKS. It seems a lot of great books are being released this summer. Here are a few that I’m really excited to read:

1. After Hours by Claire Kennedy

I was sold by the cover and then when I read the blurb, it moved to the top of my TBR pile! A book about dares, deception, and dealing with people in the food industry? Sign me up!

2. Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis

I love all of Jill’s books. And to think she has one coming out with a sexy fireman? Oh, I will just sit here, staring longingly at my Kindle until it pops up next week!

3. Call on Me by Roni Loren

It is no secret that I am a Roni Loren fangirl. I met her at RT this year and she probably thought I was crazy, but she is so super sweet and her books just speak to my Ranch-loving heart. I’m excited for a new Loving on the Edge novel and to finally get Pike’s story!

4. Last Year’s Mistake by Gina Ciocca

I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for this one for a while, ever since a few of my author friends raved about ARCs they’d received. I love a good second chance romance, especially when the hero shakes up the heroine’s picture perfect world. Ciocca is definitely a new author I will keep on my radar.

5. Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler

I LOVED Behind the Scenes and am very excited to see Vanessa’s story! I’m a f/f book virgin and am interested to see how it is portrayed. Dahlia does a great job representing diverse characters and I know I won’t be disappointed with this book.

A summer of seduction...Jules Carmichael needs to get her life together. Pronto. School's been hell, there was that tiny stint in rehab, and worst of all, she's lost her cushy summer job. The only available work is at Office Jax, home of horrid 90s music and the biggest jerk on this side of the galaxy...

Recovering from a brutal break-up and taking a hiatus from college, Ryan DeShane has just discovered the “6 Ultimate Steps to the Perfect Summer Fling.” It's a brilliant distraction, and Jules is a tantalizing target. But the “steps” work a little too well, because he and Jules are definitely, uh, flinging. And it's only a matter of time before Ryan's foolproof plan starts to seriously unravel...

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Foolproof

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks Jennifer Blackwood for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

Great list of books. I will have to look at some of them. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Sue G. said...

I can't wait to read the new Jill Shalvis book too!

MrsMac19 said...

Great list! Second Chance Summer is high on my TBR, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm also eagerly awaiting Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis! I'll have to check out your other book recommendations.

Marcy Shuler

Mary Preston said...

A fabulous list of books.

bn100 said...

haven't read any of those

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