
ARC Review: Sweet Ache by K. Bromberg

I absolutely love the Driven Series by K. Bromberg. I have really enjoyed getting to know each of Kristy's characters as the series continues, and honestly I have such a tough time picking favorites because they are all so fantastic in different ways. K. Bromberg has a way of writing such different and unique characters in each story, and yet making them fit perfectly in this amazing world she has created. I look forward to each new book knowing that I will see familiar faces, but that I will get a completely new and unique experience every time! I don't know if I can say that Sweet Ache is my favorite of this series, because that would be next to impossible with each of these books. But what I will say is that this book was equally as good if not better than the previous books, and Hawkin and Quinlan are definitely some of my all time favorite characters! 

Hawkin Play is the bad boy lead singer for a popular rockband. He might have success professionally, but he has spent his life with a less than stellar family. After his father died, his mother changed as did his twin brother Hunter. After taking the fall for Hunter's latest screw-up, Hawkin finds himself with the option of teaching a guest seminar at the local college or going to jail. When he meets his sexy TA, Hawkin makes a bet with a bandmate that he will get her into bed. But Quinlan doesn't make things easy on Hawkin and he finds himself having to work for it even though the attraction between them is mutual. But just when they finally start to get on the same page, Hawkin's brother returns and is determined to wreck things for Hawkin once again. 

I really loved these two characters! Hawkin was sexy and funny, and so charming that you can't help but fall for him. He was so adorable, and I really loved watching him try to win Quin over. He was also just enough of the bad boy to make him irresistible, but not a complete jerk. He was loyal to his family and his bandmates, and would do absolutely anything he could for those that he cared about. Quinlan was great as well. She didn't freak out over his fame or treat him special because of who he was, and that was a big deal to Hawke. He was used to women wanting him for bragging rights, but that stuff didn't matter to Quin, especially with Colton being her brother. I really enjoyed seeing her get to know Hawke, and she was so supportive and caring. She was also a ton of fun, and I loved how sassy she was. She wasn't afraid to admit that she liked sex and it was so refreshing to see a heroine that could have a good time without having to constantly talk about their feelings. She wasn't always second guessing herself and I liked that she was confidence. 

Overall, this was a great addition to this series and I highly recommend reading it! Though this book is a part of the Driven series, it is a standalone. I would recommend reading all of the books if possible though, as they are all great stories! K. Bromberg never disappoints, and she always delivers sexy stories that are as captivating as they are beautiful. She has definitely proven why she is a go to author for me, and you really cannot go wrong with any of her stories. I am already anxious to reread this book, and I can't wait for the next in the series. Hard Beat is the next book in this series, and I am so looking forward to getting to know Rylee's brother Tanner better!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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